Stupid Road Trips

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This part is written by both of us ;-)

I sat in the passenger seat while Myles whines in the back seat, saying that he's older so he should have shotgun. Also, Nate was driving with the most annoyed face in the world because of our bickering.

"Come on, Bexley, I'm older I should be upfront," Myles said for the hundredth time in the past hour. Myles was in the middle of the back sticking his head in the front not wearing a seat belt. 

"No, Myles, we're going to get pulled over if you sit up front," I said loosing my patience.

Myles looked at me funny, "Why?" 

"Because you don't wear a seatbelt and the cops can see you up front," I said back to him. 

"But Bex-"  He was cut off by a very pissed off Nate.

"Will you two shut the fuck up," Nate said, "Next time nobody's going to sit shotgun got it?"

We nodded our heads and looked out the windows on the right side of the highway. On the shoulder of the road, a guy cocked a shotgun while looking straight into my eyes.

"You know what Myles," I said, "On second thought you can sit in the front."

"Nah, that's ok you sit there," Myles said to me.

I decided to unbuckle and climb into the back while Nate was yelling at me telling me to sit down and re-buckle. 

"Bexley what the fuck," Nate yelled, "What the fuck are you doing?" 

"What does it look like I'm doing dick head?" I snap.

"Okay, and what is that?" he asks.

"Trying not to get shot by that dude with a freaking shotgun," I say pointing back at the scary dude with the shotgun.

"AND YOU TRIED TO MAKE ME SIT UPFRONT," said Myles looking at me in disbelief and betrayal.

"What? No, I would never, you think so lowly of me and that breaks my heart," I say while putting my hand on my heart and looking him in the eye.

I heard a shot go the air and a bullet flies across my face about an inch away. The bullet decided to get stuck in the windshield and I reached across the glass and poked it. While I was doing this the car was swerving and Nate was trying to get the car into a better state.

After I poked the bullet it fell through the glass it slipped off the hood of Nate's car and left a hole in it.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!?!" Nate and Myles yelled.

I looked at them with a look that says 'are-you-stupid-or-just-plain-dumb'. Then I said, "Well obviously some guy with a shotgun shot at us."

"Wow Bexley, your brain must feel as good as new seeing as you never use it," Nate said rolling his eyes.

"Hey, why don't you keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'd find a brain back there," I said starting to get really ticked.

"OH, SNAP, SHOTS BEEN FIRED," Myles screamed over the sound of cars beeping and their tires screeching again the road.

Another shot went through the air and all three of us ducked, Myles and I hid behind the front seats and the back seats holding onto our heads where Nate was in the driver's seat lowering his body where he can still see the road but has a lower chance of getting shot. The guy with the shotgun kept shooting towards us until we got away from him, making him unable to shoot at us and miss. After four more shots the guy stopped shooting as we got away. 


"My mom happened, that's what," I said tears starting to form in my eyes, "I knew she was brutal but I didn't know she would go so far as to try to kill me." 

"Bexley, you have to tell us what the hell is happening right now," Nate said frustration and worry in his eyes, "we get that you're a runaway, but why the hell is your mom trying to kill you?" 

I stared out the window, "I don't know Nate, I'm trying to think of that myself," I looked st him in the driver's seat, "my mom loves attention, I don't understand why she would want to kill me when if she would leave me as a runaway it would give her more attention and publicity than if I were dead."

"Well Bex, we don't want you to feel like this is all your fault, we're not mad at you, we just want to know how we're supposed to stay safe while we're driving, or living," Myles said looking into my eyes, "we could end up hurt, or dead" 

"You're right, I've put so much stress on you guys and all I've done is almost get you killed," I said tears starting to fall. "Guys, can you please drop me off at the next rest stop? I can find another way to go somewhere far away, just please drop me off." 

"What? No Bexley, you can't you'll be in too much danger, I can't let you-" Myles was cut off by Nate. 

"Myles, shut up, it's what she wants, you can't change her mind," he said turning into the rest area. 

"Nate you can't just let her leave!" Myles yelled. 

The car stopped in front of the building of the rest stop and Nate unlocked the door. 

"Myles if she stays here, all that is going to happen is we're going to end up getting shot." 

My eyes started hurting because of the tears so I opened the door and turned around to the boys, "thanks for the ride guys," I walked out of the car and shut the door hearing Myles yell at Nate trying to convince him to let me stay. 

I watched as the car pulled away taking the only friends I've had in my life with it. Tears kept falling out of my eyes as I fell to the ground people walking around me and talking about how I am the famous runaway. 

"I hope you're happy mom," I whispered. 





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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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