Late to the party

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Grimes awkwardly raised her arms above her head pulling her muscles into a long stretch. A shifted bone in her back cracked back into place as she sighed. The car jumped as it dipped into a pot hole. It was holiday break and the 141 had three days to themselves. There was a lot that could get done in three days. Grimes's apartment was bare outside of a Queen sized mattress that laid on the floor, and a pink beanbag. She could probably go shopping for a couch, coffee table, T.V. Maybe even finally indulging in her inner child's request for  bead curtains. Earlier, she cringed at her teammates request before she left the base. "Maybe we should have a holiday get together at Grimes's house."  Only Soap could make a ridiculous request such as that. Grimes hid a slight chuckle as she pictured the five huge men Price, Soap, Ghost, Roach, and Gaz sitting in her small living room.
"Ma'am we're here," the driver announced. Grimes gave a small wave before climbing out of the car. The trunk popped open and Grimes retrieved her duffle bag. The red taillights disappeared from view before Grimes walked into her apartment building. A habit, gotta make sure you don't have a stalker following you home. Grimes stalked up her stairs avoiding her neighbors who were toting their trash bags to the disposals. Every now and again someone would glance her way curiously. It wasn't until she was inside her warm but hollow home that she pulled her mask down from her face.
"Thank God," Grimes huffed sliding down onto the tan carpet. Thumps sounded from the fifth floor above her but she didn't care. It was just nice to be home and not laying out in dirt. A faint buzzing sounded from one of her many pockets in her cargo pants.

141: The Bold and The Brooding Group Chat

Soap: Grimes.

Grimes rolled her eyes.

Grimes: Soap.

Soap: Are you going to be flying out to Price's home? For the holiday party?

Oops, almost forgot.

Grimes: Yeah, I fly out this evening at 10:30.

Soap: yay :D. Can't wait to see you.

Grimes: you just saw me hours ago!

Price: Grimes I emailed you the address.

Grimes: I got it.

Gaz: Anyone bringing an S/O?

Grimes placed her phone on the floor beside her as the phone burst into a fit of pings as chaos erupted. Grimes pulled the sleeve of her jacket back to reveal her watch.
"It's 8:30 already?" She groaned.  Against the protest of her cramping muscles, Grimes peeled herself from the fluff of carpet and stood. She quickly shed her uniform off of her sweaty skin, hoped into the shower, and changed into a lilac Nike sweatsuit and white sneakers. Spraying her prized possession ( Melanie Martinez Cry Baby Milk) She doused herself with five spritz before locking it in a trunk in her closet. She grabbed another tracksuit, and a pair of jeans and a college sweatshirt. She ordered another uber as she stuffed her clothes into her navy blue duffle that she reserved for girls night with her friends.

The airport was swollen to the hem. Families were sandwiched together in checkin lines. Crying babies only added to the lovely chorus of holiday chatter. Grimes comfortably slid into the TSA pre check line before running to her gate. Grimes Uber didn't pull up to Price's home until 7am. Price was wide eyed and bushy tailed as he opened the door.
"Grimes!" Price smiled, "I didn't think you were coming!"
Grimes blinked her burning eyes and gave a weak smile. Going to the airport at night and arriving to the UK in the morning was catching up to her, especially since she didn't take a nap.
"You know what, me too," she yawned. Price grabbed her bag as she stepped through the threshold. The home was warm and cozy. Orange walls lined with family photos, a Christmas tree decked out in ornaments and lights by the steps leading up the stairs. A potent smell of pine, bacon, and pancakes hit Grimes the further she walked into the house. The place was bigger than what she'd imagined. She turned a corner and was greeted by the team. Gaz and Soap perked up at the sight of her. Their eyes quickly roaming over her un-uniformed form.
"Wow, you look so different Grimes in civvy clothes," Gaz said smiling. Grimes flashed him the bird.
"Sit next to me!" Soap pulled out a chair between him and Ghost. Grimes felt a twinge of anger but pushed it away. She flopped in between the two men and looked at the table. The whole thing was teeming with food and bottled waters.
"Price, don't tell me you whipped this up all by yourself?" Grimes grinned. Price's face reddened as his smile reached his ears.
"I had some help from your teammates actually. Ghost made the pancakes, Soap whipped up the eggs, Roach made toast, and Gaz made the bacon." Grimes mind lingered invisioning her 6'5" Lt. standing over the stove flipping pancakes. She shook the thought away and stood from the table.
"Gotta wash my hands," she announced.
"I'll fix your plate, Grimes," Price said. Grimes's heart swelled as she felt the verbal hug Price gave her. The kitchen was clean aside from the used pots and pans on the stove. Grimes washed her hands with a black Cherry soap and dried them off with a decorative towel. When she sat back down her plate was loaded.
"Price, I'm not malnourished," Grimes said staring at the pile in front of her.
"This will help you have the best sleep of your life. Nothing like getting off a long plane ride, eating, and hitting the sack." Price beamed. Grimes picked up her fork and knife to begin knocking down the mountain in front of her. Gaz and Soap howled at each other arguing over sports. Price chatted with Ghost about the post holiday assignment. Roach peered down at his phone clicking away at the keys. Grimes phone vibrated.

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