The Promenade

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"Y'all aren't going to dance?" Grimes huffed. Her hands planted down on the table she stared at Soap, Gaz, and Ghost. Roach was out on the dance floor holding her drink.
"I'm not much of a dancer," Gaz mumbled. Grimes sucked her teeth.
"C'mon, I won't judge you if you fall into a two step Gaz," Grimes smirked. Gaz took in a deep breath and scooted his way out of the booth. Soap looked at him and sighed.
"I didn't want you all to see me this way but..." Soap flipped imaginary hair over his shoulder, "the life of the party has arrived!"
"Yes and...Lt. " Grimes sang. Ghost stared back at her with dark eyes almost to say don't you dare.
"Ok, Ghost will watch our stuff!" Grimes hooked arms with Gaz and Soap and dragged them back to Roach. The dance floor was elbow to elbow packed like sardines.  Roach handed Grimes her water and pulled her waist.
"Yeah you keep staring at me!" Roach words slurring together as he sang Sad Girlz Love Money.
"I feel like there's nothing in my way," Grimes sang back. The two of them twirling around each other. Soap and Gaz awkwardly danced with a random group of people.  Grimes felt the weight of someone's stare. She snuck a look up at Ghost, but he was typing away on his phone. Grimes shrugged the feeling and tapped Roach on the shoulder.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Grimes yelled. Roach put a thumbs up. Grimes weaved through bodies and wandering hands. The women's bathroom had dark orange walls and dimmed lights. Plastic plants were station in the corners. A few women were huddled together tripping over each other. Someone in the last stall gagged and hurled. The light twinge of piss wafered in the air as the ac blasted.
"It's so cold in here my nipples are going to fall off," a pink haired woman slurred leaning on her friend for support. Grimes walked to a free sink and fixed her hair in the mirror.


The door to the bathroom bashed open the sound piercing the women's ears. The women screamed scrambling around each other. The gagging woman appeared out of the stall with bits of food around her mouth. Ew. Grimes stared at the person who barged in. Black pants, black combat boots, and a black polo under a navy blue blazer. Sepia skin and dark brown eyes. Their hair faded on the side and ringlets falling down framing their sharp jaw.
"Everyone get fuck out now!" The man barked. The women scrambled and Grimes started to follow when the man pointed to her.
"Not you," he smirked. Grimes stormed for the door, but the man slammed it shut and locked it.
"Let me out," Grimes snapped crossing her arms over her chest. Her heart hammered as she struggled to calm her nerves. He could be drunk and drunk men are easy to handle. The man reached into his pants and Grimes caught the glint of silver. She rushed over pressing all of her weight into him while grabbing his wrist.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Three shots rang out into the ceiling echoing in the bathroom and stabbing Grimes's ears.
"Fuck," the man grunted as he wiggled. Grimes wedged her left leg in between his and hooked her foot under his right leg. With a swift tug of her foot the man fell down the wall the gun spinning onto the floor. It spun under the stalls and Grimes lunged for it but the man grabbed her hair. Her scalp burned. She twisted enough to stand into a crouch hovering over the guy. Face down, Grimes stomped the man's nuts and he howled. Scrambling, Grimes slammed the stall door open and grabbed the gun tucking it in her back pocket. The man whined on the ground in a fetal position holding his sack.
"Who sent you?" Grimes asked staring down at him. The man grunted a few times before meeting her eyes.
"Fuck you bitch... I hope you get what's coming to you," the man reached a hand up behind him and pulled out another pistol. Grimes dodged just in time hearing the bullets whiz past her face. She unlocked the bathroom door and ran out. There were a few curious eyes watching her bolt for the back door. Behind her, yelps and shouts. I got to get out of here. Following the neon green exit sign, Grimes shouldered through the crowd ignoring Gaz and Soap's distant calls. Pushing through two big double doors Grimes was released into the night. Grimes relished in the cold before sandwiching herself behind a white Honda. The crowd poured out screaming. The man from the bathroom, still holding his family jewels, appeared turning his head left and right. Grimes slithered her phone from her back pocket and took a quick pic. She watched as the man ran down the street and sighed. This isn't good.

Bzzz Bzzz

Grimes's phone vibrated as it played an annoying tune. Soap.
"Grimes! Where the hell are you?" Soap yelled from the other end.
"I'll come to you just tell me where you are," Grimes sighed standing up. The panicked crowd became a few stranglers and drunks tripping over each other.

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