Why Would You Do That?

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The helicopter winds whipped dirt and debris around the air atop the roof. Sicaria Valeria or rather El Sin Nombre stood in the spotlight with hands raised above her head.

"Glad you're ok, Soap," Grimes said aiming her gun at Valeria. The dark haired woman stared between Alejandro and Grimes intently. One of Graves's Shadow men moved in, placing handcuffs on the woman, and ushered her to her feet. Grimes lowered her gun watching them pull Valeria into the heli with Graves. Valeria took one step in, her hair blowing around her face, and looked back again.

"Hermano, que pasa?" Soap asked hitting Alejandro lightly. Alejandro stared back at Valeria.

"Valeria...I know her," Alejandro said. Grimes stepped away from the two and boarded the helicopter. Boots clanked on metal. Grimes took a seat in the front strapping herself in. Valeria was secured in the back as the rest of the team filled in.
The team flew out to a Hangar yard. The Shadow's shoved Valeria out of the heli and dragged her into hangar 3. Grimes unhooked herself and followed the men out. The navy blue sky shimmered with stars. A warm breezed hummed through the yard and Grimes allowed herself to take in a deep breath. Hangar 3 echoed with clomping of boots as Valeria was lead to a green crate.
"Welcome to your new Ritz Carlton," Graves smiled at Valeria as they pushed her in to a chair. Grimes closed and locked the crate doors behind them. Grimes stayed in the back by the door as Valeria and Alejandro went back and forth. Valeria was El Sin Nombre and ex-military who served with Alejandro. Every now and again Valeria would shift her eyes from Alejandro to Grimes. Why does she keep looking at me? Graves looked behind Alejandro and at Grimes.

"Alright, Alejandro and you know each other, but," Graves stepped around Alejandro and stood next to Grimes, "How do you two know each other?"

Price and the team looked over at Grimes who frowned.

"Never seen her a day in my life," Grimes said. Valeria huffed and all eyes returned to her.

"Oh, but I've seen you Ashley. Or do you go by Kathy Waters now?" Valeria paused. A sledgehammer seemed to rock Grimes on the side of her head causing her ears to ring. Her head felt fuzzy as static like buzzing wrapped around her brain. Grimes tried to conceal her shock but her eyebrows furrowed. The crate suddenly felt hot. Really hot. Small beads of sweat formed in the middle of Grimes's back. What in the hell is going on.

"Ashley? Kathy? What does this have to do with anything." Graves asked looking at Grimes.

"No idea," Grimes sighed. Valeria gave a curt laugh.

"Tengo un archivo completo sobre ti, Ashley. Julio te ha estado buscando port mucho tiempo, princesa." Valeria smirked. Alejandro shot a look at Grimes confusion written all over his face.

"What the hell did she say, Alejandro?" Graves asked hands on his hips. Alejandro paused looking back at Valeria, Graves, and then Price. Alejandro strode up to Grimes, chest to chest. He leaned down and peered into her soul.

"Do you know her?" He whispered. Grimes blinked.

"I don't." Grimes said sternly.

"Alejandro, amigo, what did she say?" Graves asked again chewing the hell out of "amigo". Alejandro leaned up exhaling through his nose.

"She has some file on an Ashley. Whoever the hell that is. Something else about a man named Julio who's been looking for her. Ashley that is," Alejandro growled. Grimes sucked in a sharp breath and looked over at Price who was glaring straight at her.

"Sorry, I have no clue what you're referring to," Grimes said surprisingly calm.

"Enough," Graves called out stepping behind Valeria. He went on to threaten her. Alejandro and Valeria resumed screaming back and forth at each other. Grimes was grateful that the attention was off of her. The situation with Carter was now clear to her to be something bigger than she had imagined. Grimes simply thought that Carter went around asking if anyone knew Grimes and if they'd supply her with her phone number. This was worse than that. Grimes had totally forgotten about the fact that Julio had connections in Mexico. Not once did it ever occur to her that he could ever track her down, but she was corrected. Not only did this Valeria know her government name, she knew her undercover name as well. This meant that her apartment and safety was beyond compromised.

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