Surprise Me

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"Ms. Kathy! I'm happy you're back! You have a lot of packages. I  put them up in your office. Maybe your boyfriend can help," The landlord, Mr. Botler, a short pudgy man with a caterpillar mustache and a bald spot atop his crown. Grimes smiled awkwardly following Mr. Botler into his office. Ghost followed behind them silently toting his duffle bag up on his shoulder. Inside the cramped office riddled with stacks of papers and books a lone cart sat filled with boxes.
"This is all yours," Mr. Botler coughed pushing the mucus into an already brown stained tissue, "I wanted to make sure no one stole any of them."
Grimes turned slowly to Ghost who only looked down at her, his eyes unreadable.
"Could you take my bag upstairs? Apartment 409," Grimes plastered on a fake smile. Grimes shuffled in her pockets for her apartment keys. She hung them out in front of Ghost's face. He took it slowly and turned around.
Grimes looked back at Mr. Botler who raised his eyebrows.
"Well, I don't have all day Kathy. I've kept these packages long enough. Have a great day," Mr. Botler waved his fat hand to dismiss her. Grimes pulled the cart out the door. She gripped the cold metal and backed into something soft.
"Oh, sorry!" Grimes turned to see Ghost.
"I'll push the cart, you take the bags," Ghost grunted handing the bags over. Grimes switched places with Ghost.
"Just follow me," Grimes said. She sauntered over to the elevator and pressed the up button. The elevator dinged and the double doors opened. Grimes wedged herself in the middle one foot in and one foot out.
"I'll hold the door," Grimes yawned. Ghost pushed the cart in and Grimes followed behind him. The ride to the forth floor couldn't come faster. The lazy elevator music filling the awkward silence. Grimes peaked out the corner of her eyes. Ghost stood with his legs spread apart leaning his back in the wall. He was peering down at his phone so he didn't notice her stares.


The doors opened and a middle aged woman stared back at them.
"Oh Kathy! Good to see you honey! Thought you moved out," the woman said. Ghost pushed the cart out.
"Good to see you too Mrs. Parsons," Grimes smiled sliding by the woman.
" have a good night," Mrs. Parsons purred. Grimes whipped her head around in time to see Mrs. Parsons wink. Ugh. Grimes rolled her shoulders and then it dawned on her. Her Lieutenant was about to see her unfurnished apartment. Before they left the base in Mexico, Grimes frantically made several Amazon orders. pink bead curtains, a coffee table, a shoe cubby and a standing lamp. There were a few other items that she couldn't remember buying. Grimes frantically thought about her pink beanbag sitting in the corner of her living room. Snapping out her thoughts she walked over to her apartment door. Ghost gave the keys back to her and she opened the door.
"I'm sorry in advance Lt. I don't have much! Well, not until I unload all of these boxes," Grimes smiled. Ghost didn't answer. A cold breeze crept out of the apartment. Grimes flicked on her lights and sighed.
"I'm going to unload here," Grimes grabbed the boxes one by one carrying them into the living room. Ghost followed her actions. When the boxes were piled up Grimes made her way to the kitchen.
"Lt. Are you hungry? I don't have much furniture but I have a lot of food." Grimes said. Ghost stood in the middle of her living room hands in his pockets.
"No, I'm fine," Ghost said monotoned.
"Want something to drink? I have Canada Dry ginger ale, Sprite, water..." Grimes droned on. Ghost walked over to the beanbag and sat down.
Grimes fished out a water bottle and closed the refrigerator door. She sat on the floor next to Ghost.
"Here," Ghost stood and Grimes shook her head.
"I'm fine, thanks Lt." Grimes said.
"Just call me Ghost. No need for formalities now," he said plainly. Grimes nodded.
"Ok..." Grimes said to herself.
"Where's your bathroom?" Ghost asked.
"Down the hall and across from my bedroom," Grimes said. Ghost stepped around her. Grimes eyed his massive thighs under grey sweatpants. The fabric pulling against the shifting of muscles. Stop! He is your Lt. Grimes groaned falling back on the floor.
"I guess I should unbox all this stuff," Grimes took out her orange switch blade that she concealed in her boots and began ripping the boxes apart.
Ghost flushed the toilet ignoring the bright pink bra that hung hooked on the back of the door. Almost everything was pink. Pink shower curtains, pink toothbrush holder, pink bath rug, pink...bra. He quickly washed his hands that kept the scent of vanilla cupcakes on his skin. When he walked back into the living room Grimes was finishing putting the coffee table together. Grimes looked up briefly before turning back to screwing the last leg in.
"Ghost, if you're tired then you can sleep in my bed," She forced her head to stay down as her cheeks rose to her ears.
"Alright, good night," Ghost said. Wow. No hesitation or anything. However, it wouldn't be their first time sleeping together. There have been multiple occasions where she was stuck sleeping in between Ghost and Soap or Ghost and Gaz.
"Wait! I don't like outside clothes in my bed," she said still not looking up.
Ghost pounded down the hall opening the bedroom door. Grimes flipped the coffee table over and stretched. Standing up she walked to her room and knocked on the door.
"Are you decent?" She questioned. Ghost flung the door open dressed in black sweatpants and a band hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. Grimes couldn't make out anything, as usual, other than Ghost's eyes.
"Yes." Talkative aren't we, Simon? Grimes walked in and grabbed her pj's and towel.
"I'm gonna take a shower," Grimes said. Ghost hummed a response.
"Where are you going to sleep?" Ghost asked. Grimes gestured to her bed.
"It's big enough for the both of us," she said exiting the room. Ghost nodded and walked over to his bag to pull out a book. He sunk into her bed, which was covered with a pink comforter, and sighed. Grimes closed the bathroom door and hooked her phone up to the Bluetooth. Stripping herself she hopped into the shower relishing in the warmth. She pushed her head under the shower head feeling the hard gel casing from her tight bun melt away. After washing herself in her signature coconut & cotton body wash she toweled down. Taking a breath she slipped on teddy bear one piece complete with fuzzy bear ears and a small fluffy tail. This was her ritual whenever she came back home from a mission. Take a shower and jump into her one piece that made her extremely happy. Although, now she had her Lt. in her bedroom. This is my home and I will not be embarrassed. Grimes opened the door and walked into the bedroom. Ghost peered at her from over his book. His eyes squinted slightly the rest of his face still covered by a black K95 mask. Her string lights hung above the bed.
"If you say anything about this I will sue you," Grimes muttered shuffling over to her side. Ghost watched her from over his book. She climbed under the covers putting her back to him.
"Good night," She said. Ghost stayed quiet for a moment.
"Do you want me to turn the lamp out?" Ghost finally spoke up.
"No, I'm fine," she said pinching her eyes shut. Her body seemed to heat up all at once. Feeling the weight of his body on the other side made her heart bang the inside of her chest. The book closed with a half hearted thump and Ghost turned the light off. The bed dipped as he stood to pull the covers back and climb in. Grimes froze as he got comfortable.
"Are you ok?" She asked.
"I'm fine."

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