X - Heroes

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Chapter X — Heroes

[Phoebe Bridgers — Chelsea]

[27 October 2023]
[Midtown, Manhattan]

Following the intense conversation with Miranda, Dain took some time to think about what he had heard in his car. He knew that Miranda was telling the truth because she would not have admitted ed to her heinous action had it all been some sick lie. His mind still could not grasp how she even had mustered the courage to do what she had done.

Miranda had crossed many lines with that single crime. Perhaps it was time that she was let go, but that was business for another day. Now, he had something more important to focus on. "Fucking hell, just focus, you bastard!" He told himself as he stepped out of the car and walked towards the office once more.

Miranda had not left the area either, as her plan included receiving help from the powerful men within. So, as she watched Dain enter, Miranda could not help being pulled in the same direction. Miranda kept a healthy distance between them and when he took the elevator, Miranda took three flights of stairs, all to reach the same location.

Once Miranda arrived on the fourth floor, she took a bit of time to allow Dain to arrive, far from his line of sight if he actually were there. The elevator doors opened, and Dain walked into the boardroom, where his superiors awaited.

Miranda took this opportunity to move close enough to hear what the conversation was about because she also needed help from these men if she planned to succeed. "Ah, Mister Brock, I trust that you'll be much calmer today other than the last time. I understand things were a bit hectic for you, but that behavior was unacceptable." One member of the board uttered and Dain rolled his eyes, taking his seat at the large table.

"Yeah, I'm calmer," Dain said, his left hand disappearing under the table. "Now, let's get down to business." As soon as those words were uttered, he unveiled the Feather Gun, an Ares Tech weapon in his left hand that he placed on the desk with a slight thud. The whole board froze in fear at the sight of the weapon, with others outright screaming as it was shown.

"I already know that you people will tell me 'No' again, and I don't have time for that shit. With each day that goes by, the scales continue to tip in Russia's favour and I'm not gonna beg you guys for a second more. You know what I want, and you're gonna give it to me. Simple. There's enough bullets in here for everyone." Dain said, his tone eerily calm.

Miranda heard all this commotion from the outside and hastily made her way towards the door, pushing it open and rushing towards Dain. "What the hell are you doing?! Are you out of your mind?!" She asked him, but his demeanor remained the same. "Get out of here, Miranda, I don't want shit to do with you," Dain said, sending a chill down Miranda's spine. "Dain put the gun down, this isn't the way..." She urged, inching closer towards the man out of slight fear that he might act recklessly, especially considering their current standing.

"I told you to leave," Dain said, his anger growing ever so slightly. "Dain, just put the damn gun down, please! You've made your point, okay? They'll give us the go-ahead to continue weapons production!" Miranda urged, and the board members frantically agreed. "Do it now," Dain demanded. "L-let's take a v-vo-vote..." One of the board members stammered, fear running through their body.

The vote began and it did not go in the way that Dain or Miranda anticipated, and they were left equally stunned. Less than half of the board had their hands raised in agreement with the motion, and Miranda thought it was either they were quite stupid, or there was a bigger force that they feared beyond Dain.

"Why's there not enough hands up dammit?!" He asked, slamming the Feather Gun against the table and the board seemed to jump out of their seats ever so slightly. "Fine then, if it has to be this way, then so fucking be it," Dain uttered, aiming the Feather Gun at the man that sat across him who was well aware of what fate awaited him.

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