XXXV - Who's the Real Killer?

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Chapter XXXV — Who's the Real Killer?

[King Princess — Crowbar]

[02 December 2023]

[Brock Residence]


It was quite a while until Lwazi and Miranda found themselves outside Dain's home, despite the captain's fast driving. Regardless, they had made it to the house and left the car in the driveway, right behind Dain's and walked towards the door. Miranda rang the doorbell once they reached the door and they only waited until Amari opened the door. "You're here." He said as he stepped aside for the duo to enter his home before he closed the door. "Where's the drone?" Miranda asked and Amari led them to his kitchen, where the drone sat on the kitchen counter. Amari carefully grabbed if with his fingers and placed it in Miranda's hands, who had a cylindrical container of sorts that she placed the contraption in.

Lwazi raised an eyebrow at this. "Aren't you gonna try to access the database now? We don't have time to wait." He said, urgency plaguing his tone. Miranda shook her head with a sigh before she turned around to face the captain. "The drone wasn't designed to have information extracted from its software, it's just a side-effect, so it's not gonna take a few minutes, Captain." She responded in a patronizing tone that everyone in the room could sense. "I can probably get the footage in at least a couple of days." Miranda soon added and Lwazi facepalmed. "Fuck my life..." He mumbled, his voice muffled by his hand.

"As for you," Miranda began as she turned to Amari. "What the fuck are you doing working with him? You know how dangerous our killer is, you know what he nearly did to Orla!" She asked as her voice rose by a few decibels. Amari sighed, well aware of the woman's overprotective attitude. However, he still felt he needed to be on the battlefield, trying to protect his loved ones. "Because I have to be there. I have to protect my people, and the only way that safety is guaranteed is if that nigga is behind bars." Amari replied, which left Miranda a bit baffled. She had expected a proclamation of his desire for revenge, much like his best friend, but he was clearly far more emotionally intelligent, or that was what he was leading her to believe.

"I know Orla wants him dead, and that's what I wanna protect her from. She's gonna fuck up her life if she's the last to lay a hand on him, and I don't want that. So, I don't know what you two are planning, but I'll get to him first and I'll make sure he rots in jail." Miranda stood there, staring at the boy that was blossoming into a man — a man as good as his father. It made her feel as if her desire to take the killer's life was childish, an extension of open her wounds.

Amari walked away, towards the empty box that once held his father's clothing. "You see? He's not as immature as you think, he's a good person who deserves to have justice served. And we both know how well that goes if you actually follow the rules." Lwazi commented, watching the young man fold the box that was to be disposed of with a look of admiration. For a moment, it seemed as if it was his own child in Amari's place, but he could never fall for such a trick.

[Tatiana's Apartment]


Tatiana had taken some time to weigh out her options. Once the realization had come to her, she had considered returning to her roots as a stealth soldier, and perhaps finding her way into Titan to investigate the matter. However, it had been well over a month since the incident, there

was no evidence that was going to be laying around after that much time had went by. So, that plan had been scrapped.

Tatiana then thought to inform Kane of her theory, but she was reminded of how he thought nothing of anything that was not involved with their mission. Even his best friends. She was well aware that Kane would dismiss her claims and she did not need more reason to feel pathetic, she could do that all on her own.

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