chapter 6

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A knock came at my door making my head shoot up from my book.

Getting up, I told whoever was on the other side of the door that I was coming, placing my book on my dresser. I heard the door open making me put some pep into my walk.

"Hi." Savannah smiled at me as the door closed. My eyes widened seeing her here in person. I was expecting to see her in two more days but here she was.

"Hi." I walked over to her, gathering her in my arms. "How?" I leaned back taking in her smiling face. "I found Fredo and asked him to sneak me up. I could tell you needed a hug after everything." She explained.

I smiled at her, nodding before hugging her again. "Thank you." I whispered. "No need." She whispered back.

"What time are you leaving? We can squeeze in a few episodes of Gumball!" I asked releasing her from my hold. "I wasn't given a time limit. Just out before morning." She set her purse down on my couch pulling out sweats and a t-shirt.

"So we can watch a lot of Gumball!" She smiled at me. "The bathroom is through the doors on the right! I'll set up in my room and call down for snacks!" I pulled out my phone.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Fredo answered. "Thank you." I said softly. I could hear him smirking over the phone. "No problem Baylor. I can see she makes you very very happy." He said.

"You and Greg still outside?" I asked. "For the night! Sebastian and Stan will be here in the morning to escort Ms. Gordon to her hotel." He said. "Okay," I sighed. "Thank Jess for me too yeah?" I asked. "Of course," He quipped.

"Have a good night Baylor." He said before he hung up. I smiled to myself texting Fernando to fix finger foods and to bring snacks to my room before heading into my bedroom.

"Your room is a house in itself!" Savannah stepped out of the bathroom setting her clothes down on top of her purse. "You could say that. I wouldn't leave if I didn't have to." I agreed opening the door after a light knock came.

Fernando setting the food and drinks down on my table and explaining what everything was.

"Thank you Nando." I said softly. "No problem B." He looked over bowing towards Savannah. "I've been rude, I'm Fernando, Queen Baylor's personal chef." He said after he stood straight. "It's nice to meet you Fernando, I'm Savannah." She smiled at him. "Thank you for the food."

"My pleasure." He said softly before excusing himself. "Personal chefs, that's cool!" Savannah joked grabbing a specialty made sandwich and a napkin.

I sat picking up a sandwich as I nodded. "Yeah, he knows my eating habits and allergies so he makes me different meals everyday. I missed him in uni a lot." I sighed happily as I ate.

"What are your allergies?" She asked. "Tree nuts, some seafood like scallops and crawfish, and peanuts." I listed off. She nodded taking it in as she stood to grab a water.

"Is it always this quiet in here?"

"Only at night." I chuckled. "Me and my siblings are the only ones that live here as of now but Genny is away at uni right now and Theo lives upstairs. During the day this part of the palace is quiet but the other part where our offices are, the kitchen and the stylist wings are busy. Many people running around and orders being yelled to people." I explained.

"I've seen a cake be destroyed by one of the stylist who wasn't watching where they were going. The palace was on edge for a good week." I laughed at the memory of even my family being scared to breathe wrong in the direction of the cooks.

We ate in a comfortable silence, her voicing her approval after her second sandwich.

"Let's watch some toons!" I leaped into my bed, hearing her laugh behind me. I turned around tapping the bed as I moved towards the headboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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