chapter 2

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"Ready?" Fredo asked me as I stepped into the car, my other security guard Greg behind me as I sat.

"As I'll ever be." I sighed out. "My mom is going to have to curtsy to me from now on. That's wild." I chuckled. "Get used to it champ." He patted my shoulder as the car started to move.

Headed home. FaceTime later?

Sure, just call me. My phone will be on me all day!

"Who are you texting Junior?" Fredo chuckled. I locked my phone feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "Just Savannah." I shook my head. "Someone's got a crush, Greggy!" He joked making Greg laugh at my expense.

"Shut up! No I don't!" I waved them off.

"Whatever you say kid." He laughed.

"Your majesty, your private flight is ready to board when we get there." Rico, my driver, spoke up. "Okay, thank you Rico!" I said thankfully that he got my two security guards off the subject.

"And you don't have to call me that, just Baylor." I added. "I'm sorry but it was fine when you were a princess but I'm afraid since you are Queen now it would be frowned upon." Rico spoke nervously. "Well as your Queen, when we aren't around stuffy assholes, I don't mind you calling me Baylor." I told him. He smiled, nodding to my statement.

"Might I add that those stuffy assholes are now your coworkers." Fredo quipped. "Unfortunately." I rolled my eyes. He snickered while typing on his phone, I'm assuming to his wife.

"You'll get used to it after a while." Greg smiled at me softly. "Are we sure I have to be the one to rule now? My mom just can't do it?" I groaned. "Sorry Bay, it's the only way." He shrugged. "Of course." I sat back in my seat sighing out.

As we arrived on the tarmac, many of the staff from the palace lined the entrance to the plane. I stepped out after Greg did, buttoning my suit jacket as I nodded in acknowledgment to them.

"All ready to board your majesty." My pilot motioned for me to walk up the stairs. I nodded in thanks to him before getting on board.
The last time I was on this plane my brother had just been laid to rest. And I was running away from duties in the guise of me being on holiday rather than just not wanting to be in that grief stricken palace at the time.
I sat in the back as my staff collected everything from the car and transferred it to the plane.

"Your Majesty." I looked up to see my older brothers', well I guess mine now, private secretary, standing before me. "Hey, Jess." I smiled at her softly. She shot me one back before sitting down in front of me.

"I need to run over a few details for your coronation next week. And your meeting with the Prime Minister tomorrow." She said pulling out a folder and an iPad.
"Okay." I sighed. "Lay it on me."

"So, of course the Prime Minister is going to try to see what type of Queen you will be. You need to be strong on all fronts. Some questions we think he might ask is how you are going to deal with the public fallout of your brother and fathers death. Another will be, is how you're going to deal with taxing. How are you going to build a relationship with the government and the public." She listed off.

"All of this is listed in this folder right here." She passed it to me. I groaned, earning a frown from Jessica.
"I know, but look at it this way. You go on tour immediately after your coronation so you get to get away from the palace for a little while again." She said,
I nodded.

"Yeah but I'll still have to give speeches and fake a smile. So it's just work I guess, not a holiday." I said softly. She nodded agreeing with me. "Between you and me," She leaned in closer to me. "I'll try to let you have some fun in between your duties. I know how much you value down time."

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