chapter 1

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"Hi, Baylor how are you?" My friend, Savannah, asked. We had met during another interview but we kept in touch after that. Between my time on holiday, I came to visit before I'm back on Royal duties once I'm home.

I was back on her podcast yet again after the worst couple months of my life interviewing me because I was going back home in a day and I thought, if anyone elseI is going to get the exclusive interview, it was going to be her.

I shifted uneasily in my seat clenching my jaw. "I'm doing well, how are you?" I asked clearing my throat.

"I'm good." She smiled at me. I couldn't return the smile genuinely looking down to my hands. "I'm just going to jump right in, I know you are busy with everything going on in the Royal Palace." She said opening her notepad.

"First, thank you for sitting down with us I know it's not a happy occasion like other times." She said sending me a tight lipped smile. "No problem! This is my favorite publication so you know I was going to stop by if I could." I nodded to her gratefully.

She chuckled.

"So how has all the media attention been?" She looked at her notepad before returning her gaze back to me. "It's been chill I guess, a lot of it hasn't been too bad." I answered sitting back, crossing my leg over my other.

"I'm sorry, have you seen the media attention you've been getting by being over here?" She joked. I chuckled to myself. "Over seas, at home, the media attention is 10x more rampant and in your face. Over here I get asked for pictures and yeah sometimes I'll have to go shopping in a plaza with just me in it but that's chill for me in a sense then having to have ton of security with me when I'm home." I explained.

"I guess." She looked at me jokingly. "Relax you didn't seem to mind when you went shopping with me the other day." I joked making her push my shoulder lightly. "You did not have to add that!" She smiled wide. I shook my head matching her smile.

"Anyway, moving on. You're going home this weekend, how are you feeling about that?" She asked after her laughter died down. I sighed immediately feeling myself deflate.

"I honestly don't know. I've been on holiday for a bit over here so I know it's going to be different." I said not being too in depth with the answer. She nodded looking at me with the look I didn't want her to have. Sympathy.

"We don't have to talk about this today if you don't want to." She said softly. I met her eyes, shaking my head. "No, you're good. Back home they'll be much worse." I tried to smile again but I knew it didn't convince her but she moved on.

"Those are big shoes to fill over there right?" She followed up her question. I nodded looking down to my hands again. "Uh..." I paused willing myself not to cry. "It's kind of bittersweet I guess. Um..." I heard my voice crack feeling the tears sting.

I clenched my jaw further staring at my hands.

I felt her hand on my shoulder. "We don't have to do this Baylor." She motioned to the cameras.

"We can just talk, no cameras. Nothing. I do not want you to do this in front of everyone when I know myself you're a very private person. I promise." She rubbed my shoulder. I look up, the tears clouding my vision until I blinked nodding my head.

"Okay. Give me a minute, I'll be right back." She nodded as the crew in the room started to pack their things quickly. I heard her asking people to leave her house and that she was closing set.

A few minutes later she came back in, sighing in relief. She motioned for me to follow her into the house. I followed behind her quietly, taking my shoes off after we entered.

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