chapter 4

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I felt my phone buzzing on my nightstand making me grab it immediately through my sleepy haze.

"Hey gorgeous." I answered smiling as she smiled back at me. "Are you trying to flirt with me?" She giggled setting me up on her phone stand as the car started moving. "I don't know, is it working?" I smirked.

"A little." She looked over to me before turning her eyes back on the road.

"How was everything?" I asked getting comfortable again. "It was good, a fight broke out beside us so that was the only eventful thing to happen." She chuckled. "So I'm expecting pictures in a little." I asked. "If you want them? My team did a good job styling me today." She smiled. "I do! Before they even hit the press." I nodded, yawning after my statement.

"Shit Baylor! What time is it over there?" She asked. "It's about 5 AM give or take." I yawned again. "Baylor go back to sleep!" She exclaimed. "Relax, I'm fine. Rehearsal doesn't start until noon and plus I want to make sure you get home." I waved her off.

"Sure?" She asked. "Yes, I'm sure." I smiled wide.

"Okay." She sighed. "How did your meeting go?"

"It went well, I can't really explain what it was about but it will be ready by my coronation day to debut." I laid my phone on my chest as I laid back down. "I'll show you whenever I call back today though. Over text isn't a good idea." I chuckled.

"I can only imagine." She agreed. "No after parties for you?" I asked. "No, most of my friends are already asleep and I'm tired honestly." She shook her head.

"Excuses!" I joked. "Whatever, your party days are over anyway!" She laughed loudly. I smiled to myself taking her in. She looked over after I fell silent. Blushing in response when she saw me staring at her.

"Earth to Baylor!" She snapped her fingers. "I'm here, just looking." The smile not leaving my face still staring at her.

"Anyway, only in London are my party days over. Anywhere else I'm free to do what I like." I said. "So that means parties in France!" I added laughing softly.

Savannah rolled her eyes playfully as I saw her car slowing down. I heard her put the car in park before she fully turned her attention towards me.

"Do you want to stay on? I'm gonna hop in the shower and then go to bed." She asked. I nodded turning out my light and setting her back on my nightstand so she could still see me.

She muted herself before she walked into her house. Waving at me to tell me goodnight as she left me in her room to take a shower.

"Good Morning, Your Majesty!" My curtains were yanked open making me groan. "None of that! You have a jam packed day ahead of you." Marcus handed me a glass of water.

"Tell me about it." I rubbed my eyes. "Jessica has already taken the liberty of picking out your suit for the day. Breakfast will be served in about half an hour. The Queen Mother has already been seated." He listed off.

I nodded setting my glass of water down after I took a gulp of it.

"What time is Genora leaving today?" I asked. "A little after breakfast ma'm." He answered. "Can you please arrange for us to be given privacy before she leaves? I have a gift for her to take back." I said pulling my covers back.

"I will." He nodded. "Anything else ma'm?" He asked. "Yes, please stop calling me ma'm. You've never done it before Marcus don't start now." I stood stretching myself out.

"I will try but it will be difficult." He smiled softly before bowing and leaving my room.

"You have someone wake you up in the morning?" Savannah joked scaring me effectively. "Jesus!" I turned to my phone.

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