chapter 5

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"Ready?" Theo stepped into my room. I was in my dress uniform as I was being fitted with my Robe of State.

"Um, yeah." I sighed nervously. "The room please?" Theo said. The staff rushed out of the room. The door closing behind them swiftly.

He stepped in front of me fixing my tie as I put on my white gloves. "You look good sis." He chuckled tapping my shoulders. He looked at me taking in my attire as he took a step back.

"Promise me something?" He said quieter than before. "Yeah?" I rose my eyebrow. "Please don't die." He whispered avoiding my eyes.

I fell silent but nodded as his eyes harbored unshed tears. My heart breaking as he fidgeted with fixing my uniform to avoid meeting my eyes.

"I'm not." I brought him into me, hugging him tight against me. "I would never leave this to you okay! It stops with me." I kissed the side of his head as his arms wrapped around me. I felt his shoulders shaking as I began to rock us.

"I can't do it again Baylor, you have to promise!" He said through his tears. "I promise." I said swiftly. "I promise you that I will not die Theo. I'm gonna get married and have beautiful kids. And you're gonna be the best uncle. You're not gonna have to worry about ever taking the throne."

I felt him nod into my neck.

"And hey, you can even walk me down the aisle." I chuckled making him laugh softly. "Yeah, right. You would never wear a dress." He sniffled.

"Got that right." I pulled back, wiping his tears. "Genny told me you know." He smiled at me. His eyes red but his smile reaching his eyes as he looked at me.

"I wouldn't expect her not to." I shook my head playfully. "Is she coming today?" He asked. "Yeah, she should be here, her flight landed yesterday according to Fredo." I nodded.

"Good." He stepped out of our embrace. I reached over to grab some tissues for him.

"I'll let you meet her when we're on tour. I still have to ask her to meet us in Australia." I said. "Mommy isn't gonna like that she's not Royal." He joked. "I'm sure Genny also told you that I don't care." I smirked.

"She did," He confirmed. "If she's special to you, then she's special to me too." He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Never doubted it." I smiled gratefully.

A knock came at my door signaling that we needed to be moving.

"Showtime." I grabbed my phone off my couch. I opened the door letting myself through with Theo behind me.

"Your Majesty," The staff outside of my door bowed or curtesied. I nodded, Fredo stepping in front of me and Greg behind Theo as we started walking towards the front entrance of the palace.

We met my mother, aunt, sister and my Nan. Jess to the side as she took in the moment. All of them showing different variations of smiles. My mothers sad smile as she came to kiss both of my cheeks. "You look just like your father." She caressed my face. I smiled at her softly, hugging her before she placed a necklace around my neck.

"For good luck." She whispered, stepping back. "Thank you Mommy." I nodded. "Knock them dead Baylor." My aunt whispered in my ear after she hugged me. "I will." I nodded.

My grandmother looked close to tears as she caressed my face as well.

"Be strong, be confident and be yourself my sweet grandchild." She said, moving my head down to kiss my forehead. I felt my eyes water but she wiped them before they could fall.

"You'll be the best Queen, I know it." She ensured me. "Thank you Nan." I kissed the top of her hand in thankfulness.

"You look like a dork!" Genora giggled after she hugged me. "Genora!" My mother scolded. "It's fine Mommy. I kind of do." I laughed as I mushed my little sisters head.

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