Jim's Wooden Ships

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After a couple of minutes of searching the archaeologist's house, the group couldn't find anything of significant importance, only a couple of photos of the archaeologist and his team from the day they discovered the arrows and one with the archaeologist and another guy that had long hair. On the back of the photo was written: "to Kaito Arai. Thank you for your help on the expedition".

"There is nothing here, we should leave" George said.

"Yeah, let's go find a hotel to stay for the day" Eustathius added.

After a while, they arrived at Hotel Pantheon, one of the oldest hotels in London, founded by a Greek man many years ago. The foreign architecture attracts many customers every day, but Jim managed to get 2 rooms for them after paying generously for their stay.

"Dude, how much money you carry on you?" asked John

"Well actually I recently finished my internship in the Merchant Navy and yesterday I got paid. I was looking for a house closer to my school. That's why you met me at that house earlier today." Jim replied.

"Jeez! Well, we are lucky you were here or we would be sleeping on the street" John added.

"Our rooms are ready, let's go" George said.

"I'm sharing a room with Jim and you and John get the other one, I want to keep a close eye on Jim, just in case" whispered George to Eustathius before the others came close.

Jim and George headed for their room to get settled while John and Eustathius went to the restaurant to grab dinner.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back" George said.

"Okay" Jim replied.

"Um, the door is locked" George said.

"You were the last one that got into the room, how is that possible?" Jim asked.

"I don't know but I really need to pee" George said frustrated.


"Bro, stop making fun, I'm gonna pee myself" George said.

"That wasn't me" Jim replied.

"What?!" George said shocked.

Suddenly, the room's doors and windows disappeared, all exits were gone.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHEEEEEREEEEE" the line repeated, seemingly coming from every direction around George and Jim.

"Show yourself you piece of shit" said George angrily.

"Oh, and why would I do that?" said the voice mockingly.

"I will leave you here until you die of starvation, after that you are free to go".

"So you can talk normally huh? That means you are watching what is happening, you can't be far" said George.

"Grrrr" muttered the voice angrily.

"Well, if you are not gonna show yourself I just have to destroy every wall in here" George said.

"Jim stay behind me, EVEN FLOW"

"Furororororororororo" screamed George while punching holes on every surface of the room.

"Useless, you can't destroy a whole room" the voice said.

"Now it's my turn!" the voice added while creating spikes and fists and started to hit George relentlessly.

George barely pushed Jim out of the way and took all the damage but ended up on the ground bleeding.

"George, are you okay?" Jim asked worriedly.

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