Journey to Stonehenge Part 2

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After a couple of hours, George and Jim reached a small town called Dummer. Instead of staying at the local Inn, they decided to spend the night at Inwood Camping, a nearby camping area, since it didn't attract many visitors during this time of day. They couldn't risk getting anyone innocent bystander injured.

After speaking with the camp manager, they managed to get access to a currently unoccupied cabin.

"Hey George look at that, isn't that beautiful?" Jim asked George as they walked past a decorative statue bearing the appearance of an angel that was covering his eyes, a truly spectacular piece.

"Hm, yeah it is really pretty but we should get going. We need to get some sleep, we must leave by sunrise" George said.

George and Jim reached their cabin and after a couple of minutes went to bed.

The next morning Jim woke up to the sound of his alarm ringing. The time was already 10 a.m. and he was late for work. He quickly got out of bed and ate breakfast. After getting ready his boss started calling him and yelling at him for being late. Jim lied about being stuck in traffic but eventually, he got to work. He is the chief engineer of the best ship in the Merchant Navy, the Sleeping Angel. They couldn't leave without him but they were already 1 hour off schedule. After getting scolded by the captain he got back to work. Minimal work was required during his trip. The ship was in perfect condition. He used this opportunity to teach the new engine cadets a couple of secrets the higher engineers use to get work done easier. No problems occurred during his voyage. They headed towards Houston, Texas to load up on cargo and then hastily left for Spain. After a couple of months of work, he returned home to his friends. He didn't have time to start a family yet because his work made him spend most of his time away on the sea. He was still young though, the youngest Chief Engineer in the world.

The same day George also woke up but not from the sound of an alarm but rather the sound of joyful children's voices. It was Christmas time and his son Malcolm and daughter Joan woke him to go open the presents Santa has given them. After grabbing breakfast with his children and wife they went ahead and opened all the presents. Malcolm got a new bike and Joan a huge dollhouse. After a couple of hours, George left to go to work, it may be Christmas but he was working for the most prestigious agricultural company in the world and a new viral attack was happening on the newly planted apple tree fields from the Sleeping Angel virus, called that because it attacks only during the night. It threatened to destroy all the crops thus rendering the plantation unusable. After brainstorming with his co-workers for a couple of hours they figured out how to destroy the virus using a special kind of bacteria that reacted violently against it. They managed to clean the viral remnants from all the plants and saved the whole cultivation. The CEO was really happy that he didn't lose any money from the destruction of the trees and gave the day off to George and his team. He returned home later this afternoon and sat with his family to enjoy the classic movies with hot chocolate by the fireplace.

After a couple of months, George's company signed a deal with the Merchant Navy in order to create a method to lessen the pollution created by the ships. George was in charge of the project and the assigned ship engineer to help was Jim. The moment the two men shook hands to close the deal, a moment of silence followed and they remembered everything. As if they were destined to meet, they finally awoke.

"What the hell was that?!" Jim said.

"That's gotta be the most realistic dream I've ever had" George replied.

"How is it possible we met in our dream?" Jim asked.

"It shouldn't be possible, we have an enemy on our tail" George said.

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