2 Hours to Midnight

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Rosalyn kept walking towards Jim but before she reached him a large number of explosions happened simultaneously making her drop George to defend herself.

"What happened?" George asked with his weakened voice.

"Don't worry, everything will be ok" a man said walking out of the smoke.

"Eustathius and John, thank god. We have to leave now she is too strong" George said.

John quickly shoved George and Jim inside the cauldron while Eustathius created a smokescreen. Rosalynn cleared the smoke with her stand but they managed to escape.

"Shit!" Rosalyn said angrily.

"You three, search the area they can't have gone that far. If you find them, kill them" Rosalyn commanded the three goons she had waiting nearby.

The group escaped downhill and entered the sewage system beneath the area.

"John, quickly help George heal himself" Eustathius said.

John transformed the sewer water into bandages and body parts and by using George's stand they managed to heal George almost perfectly. They can't do anything for Jim at the moment.

"We should keep moving, it is possible she sent someone after us" George said.

John grabbed Jim and together they started running.

They kept running but the sewage system seems to never end, as if in an infinite maze. The group was covered with filth and after many minutes of walking, they started to lose all hope of finding a way out. They stopped for a moment, catching their breath. Then they continued through the stinking tunnels. George kept walking forward. The sewer is very dark. He can barely see his hand in front of him. It's hard to tell which direction he is going. As they walked along, they realized they were no longer alone. A rat scurried by, then another. There are more rats than ever before. Rats have always been common in sewers, but now there seem to be thousands of them. George felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as the smell of urine and feces filled his nostrils. He tried not to gag at the foulness of it all. A rat ran past George, its eyes wide open. It stopped just short of his foot and stared at him. It looks like it's about to run away, but instead, it raised its front paws and lets out a loud screech.

"RUN!" yelled George.

The group started running in the opposite direction while the rat's screech could pierce their ears. No matter how far they run they could still hear it. It was so loud their ears started to bleed.

As the group ran, they realized that they were being followed by something else. Something much bigger than a rat. A huge shadow blocked the light from the lamps the workers use. It loomed over them. The group stopped running and turned to face their pursuer. It was a man-sized rat. It opened its mouth and let out another piercing shriek. It raised its front paws high into the air and charged toward them while still shrieking loudly.

George turned around to look for an exit. They were cornered. They knew that even if they ran the rat would be able to catch up to them in no time.

"I have an idea, hold your breath!" said Eustathius and used his stand to explode all nearby walls making the sewage water flood the place. The water pushed back the rat while the group was holding on to the steel pipes to not get pushed away. George found an opportunity and let go of the pipe. He swam toward the rat. He called out his stand and made all the water flow only toward the rat, eventually trapping it in a water bubble where its screech couldn't affect them. The rat stopped screaming and after a while, it drowned in the water bubble. After it died all the rats in the vicinity also died. It seemed as if they were connected.

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