Chapter Twenty-One || Pierre & Chad

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"I'll stay here," I said after a long pause. I wouldn't speak for the others, but I just wanted to go home. Fighting or supplying a war could delay, or even prevent, me from reaching home again.

"Me too," Adeline let out the breath she had clearly been holding.

"What? Why? Don't you know you could die?" the man asked.

"We could die in war," Chad said.

"Then be a cook, if you're so scared."

"No," I said. "I just want to go home."

"Guys... come on," Emma said. "We'll go home eventually. They have food and water and shelter and..." No one agreed with her so she trailed off.

"Emma, go if you want," I said.


"Do what you want," I said.

Emma nodded. "I want to be a cook."

"Perfect! Is that all?"

I scanned the group. Everyone seemed content. "I think so," I said.

"Alright." The man walked away with Emma, following Lexie and Elijah's path into the boat. Just moments later, the boat sailed away.

Silently, we watched Elijah, Lexie, and Emma leave forever. It was hard not to wonder if we should have gone with them.


"So they're gone, then?" Little Joey asked.

"Yes." I sighed. The camp now had just three people. The entire island housed five people. There were fewer mouths to feed, but it would be lonesome.

"I shoulda went," Little Joey murmured childishly. "Emma would have loved to see me all big and strong."

"War isn't for children," Adeline said flatly.



In the midst of the third world war, we were five kids on an island. I don't know how we survived as long as we did, but we did. Did we deserve it? Maybe, maybe not. I couldn't tell.

Every night was a dinner night together. The farm, with Chad's and my help, overflowed with produce for us all. Even the pigs bounced back in repopulation. We kept each other good company.

Sometimes a smaller group was better.

"Chad and I have something to announce," Jovie said one night.

"Oh?" Adeline tilted her head to the side. I was also curious.

"I'm having a child," Jovie said.

"Oh really?" I almost spat out my food, but kept my voice even.


"So young?" Adeline asked disapprovingly.

"It's not about that," I told her. "Do you want a child?" I asked Jovie.

"I want another kid," Little Joey prattled. "I need someone to play with."

"Well, you will soon," Jovie smiled.


Jovie, helped along by Chad, showed up at our camp on a rainy morning. There, we helped her deliver her first child who she named Seth.

He was a healthy baby. Well, as healthy as a baby could be on an island with no access to healthcare.

Nonetheless, Seth survived.


I couldn't believe I had a son. A sudden feeling of maturity dawned on me as I watched Jovie hold our newborn. She had picked his name: Seth.

The following days became harder, but all the more rewarding. I would check the fire, race to check on the plants, then race back to the fire again.

Pierre would come and visit. Once she even brought fresh-baked bread she had crafted out of plants for Jovie, plus a mush of fruits for Seth.

I wondered what I would do if I ever went home. It seemed fanciful that we would ever return to civilization, but I had to wonder what the consequences would be if I did.

"What are your parents like?" I asked Jovie one night. I was sitting on the ground of our shelter while she stood close by.

"Oh, pretty normal. They are very relaxed though. Not really strict," she whispered, hushing Seth to sleep. "Yours?"

"My foster parents are annoying. My biological parents died." Actually, my foster parents weren't awful. They held me back, but they cared for me. They tried their best.

"At least you have a better family now!" Jovie smiled as Seth finally fell asleep. I wondered if I should ask the next question, ultimately deciding to go for it.

"Would your parents be okay with you having a child?"

Jovie turned to me and moved to sit down. Her smile had faded and a look of seriousness passed her expression. "I think so."

"Really? I think my foster parents would freak out."

"Would they find out?"

"Yeah, duh."

"How?" Jovie's eyebrows knitted together.

What did she mean? "If we get rescued you'd come to see me, right?"

"Well, of course. But I would probably leave Seth whenever I'd come and it's not like I'll be living next door. That is if we get rescued at all."

What? "I thought you were positive we'd be rescued."

"Life here is okay."

Jovie's lips edged near mine. The sweet smell of fruits filled my nose. Her arm wrapped around my neck. My hands went to her hips.

Her beautiful eyes were closed and she was smiling before the kiss.


The sun set on the horizon, filling the night sky with a thousand colors. Chatter rose and we ate the soup Chad had prepared out of the garden's vegetables and ocean's fish.

Joy, Jovie's third newborn, babbled to her mother as Jovie and Adeline carried a conversation. Rushing around, Seth followed Little Joey around the shore. Chad watched with a soft eye on Oliver, who was around two now. It was quite lively.

Smiling to myself, I took a sip of my soup.

I don't think we would ever be rescued, but I think that's okay.

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