|No Regrets|

47 9 10

Shadow and Sonic will meet soon I swear😔

|"Chaos sure loves me today~"

The emerald one thought as he saw the blue hedgehog stop halfway down the isle looking at the rows of coffee specifically looking up at one of the higher to reach rows as he grinned walking next to the other hedgehog,"Need any help there~?"

The emerald one asked with a slight seductive tone the sapphire hedgehog ear twitched slightly looking over at the green one next to him.

(Bros trying to rizz Sonic up💀)

"Oh well,if you don't mind I just need those coffee beans right there"The blue one said as the malachite colored hedgie reached the bag that the azure requested handing it to him.
"Thanks for the help uh"
"Scourge,the names Scourge."
The emerald green one responded with a wink

"Is this guy seriously flirting with me right now?I guess I admire his confidence"the azure one thought before smiling unsurely.

"Well it was nice meeting you Scourge but I should really get going now"The azure said as he turned to walk off as his ears perked up feeling a hand on his wrist.

"Can I at least get your name?"He asked the azure hero who looked up at him

"That's probably the first time someone didn't know my name" he thought looking up at the other hedgehog,"Sonic" the azure one said replying to the question.

"Well Sonic can I call you blue instead~?" The malachite one asked in a flirty tone towards the azure hero.

The sapphire one thought for a second,"yeah sure I don't mind"he said with a shrug "gosh this is awkward" Sonic thought "He's sure playing hard to get" the emerald one said in his mind.

"Well I should get going-"The sapphire hedgie said before he was interrupted

"Can I buy you a drink blue?~"the emerald one asked begin persistent looking into the sapphire hedgies emerald green eyes.

"Oh I don't drink"Sonic said smiling awkwardly "he sure is persistent" the azure one thought as the viridescent one suddenly gently held the sapphire one's hand making the azure's eyes widen slightly.

"Come on blue it will be fun~"the emerald one said in a flirty tone.Opalite eyes staring deep into emerald ones.

"It won't count as a date if I say yes right?Its not like I have anything to do anyways.."The blue one thought before averting the green ones gaze "let's hope I don't regret this" the blue one said in his thoughts before sighing softly.




(No this isn't going to be smut smh🙄)

"Chaos! that scared me so badly!"The sapphire one said laughing softly

"Yeah it definitely did it was funny as hell"The emerald one said cracking up

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