The Curse Gets Worse

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, Firebreather or any of the shows that I'm using in this story thank you that is all.

The Curse Gets Worse

It had been Six days since the events of Halloween night and things were a bit intense since Yzma gave her report to everyone at Hogwarts and to the people who needed to know like Abigail Bones, the Vice Chairwoman of the Hogwarts Board of Governors and her husband Jubal Bones Chief of Staff of the ICW and Lord Milton Perkins, Mentor of the British Branch of the Assassin Brotherhood, Yzma's own husband Ezio Milano Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports and his sister Claudia Borsari the new head of the International Confederation of Wizards and her husband Lord Borsari, which was why on the evening of the Sixth Day of November Yzma was holding court in an Assassin Den with the rest of the Master Assassins and other important People which included the Department of Magical Covert Operations, Members of MI6 and MIX.

"Okay everyone listen up, considering my audience I'm going to be straight to the point," Yzma said to her audience as everyone gave her their full attention, "The last thing I wanted to do was to bring worse news of this level upon all of you this quickly but we need to prepare for the worst in the event that I fail my challenge."

"And that is why you're the finest Defense Professor Hogwarts has ever see," Moody spoke, "But get to the point. I know you didn't call us here for a social call."

"I didn't and to get to the point I'll have our guest Tana show us what I'm about to explain," Yzma said gesturing the Greek Goddess of Time to do just that and in full and complete detail, "What you're about to see is not for the faint of heart and it may just enrage you."

Everyone present saw all that had happened across the planet and the root cause of all that had happened as well as the recent virus outbreak and the problems Alaric Bones was facing due to Umbridge and Malfoy literally whispering things into Fudge's ears from both sides not to mention the worst-case scenario should Yzma fail her challenge yet for some reason the scenarios in which Yzma won her challenge were somehow being blocked.

"As you can see this is what's been going on as of late," Yzma explained.

"And I thought the Arkeyan Empire rampaging all across the earth and them ruling the entire universe was bad enough considering they wiped out an entire dimension and every star planet and galaxy in said dimension but this is beyond anything I could have imagined," said the Chairman of MI-X, "And I thought the prejudice of Magical Britain was bad enough. The Potter Family is doing what they can to reverse that but should they fail and things reach boiling point and the Arkeyan Empire decided to outright destroy the earth then we don't stand a chance."

"Are the Arkeyan Weapon Masters really that strong?" A member of MI6 asked, "Seriously?"

"I'm afraid so or did you not see the Arkeyan Empire destroy an entire dimension along with every single star planet and galaxy in said dimension?" said Tana showing the Arkeyans having done exactly that to Planet Aridia and every star planet and galaxy in it's dimension, "Still the Arkeyan Empire Bylaws forbid them from just conquering territory on a whim. Their bylaws state that they are to only attack and or conquer if they were the ones that had been dishonored in any way shape or form. In any case the Arkeyan Empire prefer to explore and expand their empire and most of the time protect those who are being bullied or dishonored."

"At least they've got that going for them," said a female member of MI-X, "For a moment I thought they were just like the Nazis but I can see now they are much different than that."

"Still they have the expanding part covered as we can see considering their infrastructure is quite developed for them to have an intergalactic and dimensional empire that's lasted for over ten thousand years," Olivia Mansfield better known as M and Professor Minerva McGonagall's sister spoke, "Then again that would explain all the recent upgrades the transport systems all across the planet got after the first world war and the massive improvements made after the second world war. Standardization is vital for them and Arkeyan efficiency and engineering makes German efficiency and engineering look primitive."

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