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Y/n's POV:

I was busy hanging around the Curtis' house, watching cartoons with my brother, Johnny, and my friend, Two-Bit. Sodapop and Steve were arm wrestling and Darry was in the armchair as usual, with his nose buried in the newspaper.

I'm the only girl in the Curtis gang. Meaning, they all have the right to "protect me" in case anything goes wrong. Of course, what am I going to do. They're boys! Whatever, it's fine. They don't even need to. I carry a switchblade all the time in my back pocket and my best friend's Dallas Winston. I got nothin' to worry about.

Just then, I heard, Ponyboy, Darry and Soda's brother scream. We all ran outside. Everyone saw a group of Socs over Ponyboy as he gasped for air. Soda, Steve, Two-Bit and I ran over as quickly as we could and chased the Socs to their car.

Two-Bit tried to attack some Soc before being pushed down as Steve forced one into his car. Soda jumped over the hood and began to punch the Soc into his seat. I ran around back and kicked a Soc back into his stupid car. We were all pounding on them as they tried to fend us off. I saw Dally jump over the fence and run over to us as everyone yelled and swore at each other. Darry and Johnny stayed back as we beat the crap out of those freaking Socs.

Once the Socs started to drive off, Dally ran over and grabbed a freaking tree branch, ran back, and threw it at the moving car. We all settled down since the Socs were long gone now and knew not to mess with us again. I mean, Dallas threw a tree branch, I think we're safe now. Maybe.

As Darry and Soda checked if Ponyboy was okay, Dally and I were talking over a few cigarettes. Dally is my best friend, and he just got out of the cooler so it was nice to catch up with him.

"Hey, beautiful," he said, "what's up?" Dallas took a drag from his cigarette as I rolled my eyes from the nickname he gave me. He always called me something like that. We were the same age so I guess he felt like he had a free pass to flirt with me and whatever.

"Not much, it's just been borin' since you've been sentenced to the cooler," I told him. Dally's face brightened and he gave me his infamous smirk.

"Aw, missed me that much, huh?" His face leaned in closer to mine so I could feel his warm breath as he grinned at me. I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"Oh, just shut your trap, juvie!" I ruffled his hair a little bit and playfully shoved him as he laughed openly. This is what happens everyday, Dally and I teasing each other. People have told me to watch out for a big shot like him and avoid people like that but I can't do that to Dally. He's closer to me than anybody and being around someone so much makes you care and trust them. Dallas is different with me. He's always protective over Johnny and I and always tries to find a way to flirt with me. Which for some reason I don't mind.

But if Dally wasn't my best friend, it would be Steve and Soda. The three of us work at the DX together and we've known each other since grade school. I met Steve first and he introduced me to Sodapop. I love both of them so much, they're such good friends. Soda is always there to talk about personal things and Steve is always there to make me laugh and tease me like Dally.

"You're pretty when your bein' mean to me, doll," Dally told me, a smirk playing on his lips. I could feel my face heat up as Dally teased me like that. Dallas seemed to notice which only made his smirk grow wider. "You always do that when I tease you!"

"Do what?" I asked him, pretending to not know what he's talking about. Dally points to my tomato red face.

"Your face always turns red. You're doin' it right now!" Dally's face was so close to mine that I could see the twinkle in his chocolaty brown eyes. Steve looked over at us after telling Ponyboy that him getting jumped was his business because of his battle wound, Steve yelled at us and we glanced over to him.

"Get a room, lovebirds!" He shouted, making everyone look over to us now. I laughed as Dally told him to shut it and keep his eyes on his own business. Steve scoffed at him, "Don't talk to me like that, criminal!" He said that jokingly, making Soda and I laugh at his words. Dallas rolled his eyes at the boy and turned back to me.

"I hate that guy sometimes!" Dally and I looked over at Steve and Soda joking around and we watched as Steve did a front flip off a car. I kinda knew where Dally came from when he said that sometimes he hated Steve. He can be a jerk sometimes. But in the end, that's kinda what makes Steve Randle himself.

"Dally, it's Steve, everyone hates 'em," I told him which made Dallas smile a little bit.

After some time, Dally, Johnny, Ponyboy, and I planned to go to the movies later on. Like the good ol' days. Once Dally left, Johnny and Ponyboy and I began talking about random things going on in our lives. Mostly about Johnny and I's abusive parents.

"I'm serious, they won't stop buggin' us!" Johnny told him. Ponyboy nodded and looked toward me.

"Hey Y/n?" He asked. "If Dally asked you out on a date, would you say yes?" I sighed. Johnny looked over at me with a questionable glance. Dallas is Johnny's hero. I couldn't imagine how Johnny would feel if we dated. I simply shrugged at Ponyboy's question.

"Well, it depends, if Dally's with Sylvia at the time, then no, but since we don't think he's going back to her..." I trailed off. I didn't know what I was going to say next. Sylvia is Dally's ex who was two timin' him in jail. Even though I've never met her, I automatically disliked her for what she did to Dallas. He doesn't deserve any of that nonsense. I care for Dally's well-being and he's been crushed by her dozens of times and I can't stand it.

"So...would that be a yes?" Johnny asked me. I wasn't sure about what to say to my brother. Dally and I are just friends. Best friends even, but, sometimes I have this weird feeling around him that I don't have with like, Steve or Soda or Two-Bit or anybody else. It's like this knot in my stomach that gets tighter and tighter each time I see him. I can't really explain it. I've never felt it before.

"I don't know, Johnnycake," I responded to Johnny's question. Johnny's eyes widened as we walked to the center of Tulsa.

 Johnny's eyes widened as we walked to the center of Tulsa

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(🥵 Dally Winston 🥵)


A/n: This book is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the movie which is coming this March. Just to let you know, I will be using the movie description even though there are drastic changes in the book (ex: Dally has platinum blonde hair).

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