Beauty Isn't A Bad Thing

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Y/n's POV:

It was the next day, or Sunday, and I woke up feeling jittery inside. I was extremely excited for my date with Tommy Oliver.

I jumped off the Curtis' couch and watched Darry make breakfast.

"You're up early today," he said. I rolled my eyes playfully, smiling.

"Why not be up early? I'm super excited for today!" I told him. Darry's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Really? Oh, I just thought..." Darry started but trailed off. My eyebrow rose but before I could ask him a question, Soda, Johnny, and Pony entered the living room.

"Hey y'all, what're ya talkin' about?" Pony asked.

"Nothin', just random things," I replied. The front door was then kicked open and Steve and Two-Bit strolled in.

"Hey, what happened to knocking?" Darry asked from the kitchen.

"Darrell, knockin' on your front door has been nonexistent since you met little Stevie boy over here," Two-Bit said, pointing to Steve. Steve smiled with pride, his hands on his hips, acting like a total diva. Darry rolled his eyes as he set breakfast down on the table for us.

"Hey, have any of y'all seen-" Johnny started but he didn't get to finish his sentence because the front door flung open again but this time, Dallas walked in. He looked annoyed and he seemed like he was in a rush. I simply kept my head down.

"Woah, Dal, where you headed?" Steve said, looked Dally up and down.

"Don't question my whereabouts, toothless," Dally grumbled, walking over to the fridge. Darry gave him a look.

"Jesus, Dallas, calm down," he said. "Why're you in such a rush?"

"Why would I tell you?" Dally snapped back, pulling out a beer and kicking the fridge closed.

"Goddamn, Dal, what the hell's wrong with you?" Two-Bit asked.

"Why the hell do ya care?"

"Dallas, stop avoidin' the questions!" Soda said.

"Careful, Soda," I warned Soda. I then turned my head to look Dally in the eyes. I got a good look at his face. His eyes had small, thin, blue rings around them, he probably hasn't slept well at all lately. But, his eyes still screamed a burning hatred for the world. However, when his eyes met mine, they softened up for a minute. I then said: "This guy doesn't take orders very well."

As soon as his eyes lightened, they went back to darkness in two seconds and his jaw clenched. He said: "Yeah, especially from people who say shit like: 'I don't take orders very well'."

"Okay guys, settle down," Darry said. "I made breakfast." I looked over to the dining room table to see scrambled eggs. Yum.

The eight of us sat down to eat our eggs. I sat in between Soda and Two-Bit and Dally sat as far away from me as possible next to Johnny.

"Hey, N/n, are we gonna go back home tonight?" Johnny asked me.

"I don't know, we'll peek in the window and see what Mom and Dad are doin', then we'll decide," I told him.

"Ya think they miss us?" Johnny said. I looked up from my eggs and my eyes met Johnny's fragile ones. My answer was gonna depend on Johnny's whole mood for the rest of the day. It was gonna either make him happy or disappointed. However, Johnny and I promised to always tell the truth to one another. So, that's what I did.

"Johnny, they couldn't possibly miss us, they hate us," I told him. "They couldn't give two shits about what we're doin'." Then something Dally had said about his father once replayed in my mind.

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