Game night

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Friday. Levi clocked out at 8 pm. He turned to see Furlan grinning at him like an idiot. Levi let out the breath he had just taken. Furlan looked like an excited puppy. After signing his time sheet, Levi walked up to him.

"This better be..." He began.

"You'll love it!" Furlan cried clapping the other on the hack.

"I have time to shower?" Levi asked. Furlan rolled his eyes.

"As quick as you can." He instructed. Levi nodded.

The pair hurried off to their apartment. Levi headed into the shower. The warm water felt good on his muscles. He allowed it to work into his neck for a few minutes. Still, he was sort of interested in tonight. Furlan had been on him for awhile about going to a game. Since the pizza night, he had increased his efforts. Levi finally agreed he would go to their next home game. This had elated the other, since tonight was their next home game.

Levi wrapped the towel around his waist. He brushed his teeth and hair after applying fresh deodorant. Heading into his room, he glanced at the closet. What does one wear to a hockey game? He pondered. He tossed the towel on the bed as he moved to the closet. Sliding it open, he shuffled through some clothes.

Pulling out black jeans, he placed them over the boxers he grabbed out of the dresser. Next he found a grey long sleeved tee shirt. He put it on then recalled hockey is played on ice. He was sure it would be cold in the arena. Flipping some hangers he found a sweatshirt he bought on his first day here. It had the schools crest, along with its name printed on it. It was also black so he slipped it on.

Running a hand through his hair to make sure it was all in place, he sat on his bed to slip his sneakers on. He glanced up seeing himself in the mirror Erwin had hung on the back of the door. He often used it to judge his body posture for speeches that he does. Levi sighed. He was far from being vain.

Hardly ever had Levi even cared what he looked like. His hair cut was something his foster mother thought would look good on him. Levi kept it because it was easy to manage. His clothing choices were just whatever he could find in his size. He typically liked to wear black or blue clothing. Something about the pairing just made him feel better. It wasn't until Furlan asked why he always dressed as a bruise that Levi wondered about his choices.

As he looked himself over, he thought he looked decent in black. Who didn't? He straightened his shirt as he fixed the way his pant leg covered one shoe. Whatever! He growled to himself as he picked up his jacket.

This was a gift, the black leather was well treated as Levi always took care of it. His uncle had given it to him before he went out on a job. Kenny had been the only male adult figure that had stayed in his life. So, when he said he would be gone for some time, Levi had worried he would never return. Kenny had given him the jacket, a prize of his. He had warned his nephew to keep it in good shape because he was coming home for it. That had been five years ago now.

Levi shut the light off. He stepped out to the main room. Furlan was dancing by the door. When he saw Levi, finally, emerge from his room he nearly jumped on him. Snagging his wrist he dragged him out the door.

"We are going to be late!" Furlan cried.

"Aren't Erwin and the others saving us seats?" Levi asked.

"Yeah but you don't want to miss the face off!" Furlan cried. Levi looked at him as if he was speaking another language.

"Ya know for someone as athletically fit as you, you are dumb when it comes to sports." Furlan pointed out.

"I had other things to worry about." Levi said. He slipped his hands inside the pockets of his jacket as they walked.

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