Chapter One: Force from the Future

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A/N: Forgot to mention this, but Arden has superhuman speed.

[Arden Scotts]

It was night time as every officers in Time Force police, were surrounding an abandoned building, where the last criminal, Ransik is located.

I held my blaster, I stood next to Lucas Kendall, who nodded in acknowledgement, and I nodded back. The both of us stood behind a barrier.

Alex Drake, the Red Time Force Ranger, was inside of the abandoned building, going to capture Ransik.

"You are completely surrounded!" Captain Logan said, through the mic.

Jennifer "Jen" Scotts, my sister just arrived to the scene. She saluted a greeting to Captain Logan. "Captain, where is he?" She asked, about her boyfriend's whereabout. "In there." Captain Logan said, pointing towards the abandoned building.

Jen nodded, and came to stand next to us behind the barriers. "You okay?" She asked our friends, Trip and Katie Walker. "How's it looking, Arden?" She asked, looking at me. I look at her. "Well, he's been in there for a while." I said. She nodded, and stood next to us with her blaster out.

Suddenly an explosion happened, and all of us ducked. We slowly look towards the abandoned building.

"Alex?" Jen called. Alex came out with the hand-cuffed Ransik.

"Get him! Make sure he's secured!" Captain Logan said, some of the officers went and took Ransik into custody.

"Power Down!" Alex shouted, and he de-morphed. Captain Logan went towards him. "Well done, Alex." He said. "Thank you, sir." Alex said, and saluted. Captain Logan saluted back.

"This is a heart to a time-warping device." Alex said, holding up the device. "He could have traveled to any time period he wanted." He said, handing it to the captain. "That would've been a disaster." Captain Logan said, grabbing the device. "Well, now he won't go anywhere for a long time." Alex said.

Captain Logan patted Alex's shoulder, and went away. As he passed by Jen, he told her to "Take care of him." and continue on his way.

Jen went towards Alex, the both of them look at each other for a while, and hugged.

Katie was hugging Trip, with an arm wrapped around him. She wraps another arm around Lucas, who pulls away.

I hugged Lucas' side, he looks at me, and I gave him a 'you're not getting out of this until I say so' look. He chuckled, rolling his eyes and shaking his head but was smiling, he wraps an arm around me hugging me closer.


It was the next day, and everyone was waiting for the verdict of Ransik's trial. Ransik is in the middle of the courtroom, being held by some other officers.

"In the matter of the people versus Ransik. The judge's council is still in chamber." Someone announced.

Lucas, Katie, Trip and I were sitting at the seats. I was sitting next to Lucas at the back, Katie and Trip sat in front of us.

Katie turned around, and look at me and Lucas. "This is so cool, Lucas, Arden. Ransik is going down for sure." She said. Trip turns around, and look at our interaction. "Nothing's for sure." Lucas retorts. I nodded in agreement. "He's right, we don't know if they'll put him away, or not." I said.

"Trip, I can't see anything down here. Could you help me up?" Circuit, Trip's mechanical owl asked. "Please, Circuit. This is a Courtroom." Trip said, grabbing Circuit.

Jen and Alex came back into the Courtroom, the both of them sat at the most front of the Courtroom.

The judges appeared through a hologram. "The panel has reached a verdict." The judge in the middle said, everyone stood up from their seats. "It is the ruling of this court, that the defendant is found guilty of all charges, and the sentence to Cryogenic Detainment for life." He announced.

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