Chapter Six: A Partings of Ways

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[Arden Scotts]

The six of us were fighting against Flamecon. Wes attacked Flamecon.

Flamecon exposes his DNA, and he grew giant.

"Circuit! We need help!" Wes said.

"On it! Time Flyers! Online!" Circuit shouted.

Our Time Flyers combined, and formed Jet Mode. We used the Jet Mode and made a twister, pushing Flamecon back. We formed the Time Force Megazord: Mode Blue.

Flamecon ran towards us, and we punched him. Knocking him back, and he fell onto the ground. We changed to Megazord: Mode Red. We got out the Megazord Saber. "Full Power!" Wes shouted, we slashed at Flamecon. "Your time's up!" He shouted, and we defeated Flamecon.


[Quentin Ledger]

I am now walking with Wes and Mr. Collins. Mr. Collins was telling Wes about him taking his place in the Bio-Lab.

"Now, of course, you will be taking my place in Bio-Lab." Mr. Collins said. "Yes, sir." Wes said. "You need to be ready. Harvard's an excellent university." Mr. Collins told him. "Yes, sir." Wes said.

"But son. Listen to me, there's no substitute for experience. Listen-" Mr. Collins said, but was interrupted as a baseball hit his limo. "Nice hit." Philips said, he was wiping the limo. I laughed a bit.

The kid who hit the baseball, came towards us. "Sorry, mister." He said. "You know what I think?" Mr. Collins asked. "I think I'm gonna keep this." He said. Wes and I look at Mr. Collins. "Let that be a lesson to you. Come on, get out of here. Go on." He said. The kid went back to his friends.

"Dad, he's just a kid." Wes said. "There's no need to take his baseball away." I said. "He's a kid who learned a good lesson. I'll see you at dinner." Mr. Collins told Wes. "Throw this in the trash." He said, giving it to Wes.

Wes and I watched as Mr. Collins got into the Limo, and left. "You're not gonna throw it, are you?" I asked, looking at Wes. "What? No." Wes said.

Wes and I got onto our motorbikes. "Hey, kid." Wes called. And the kid ran towards us. Wes looks at the baseball, and hands it to him. "Hit a homerun." He told him. "Thanks." The kid said, and went back to his friends who all cheered.

"That was a nice thing to do." I said. "Yeah." Wes said.

We put on our helmets, and went on our way.


I was at the Clocktower with the others.

"Emergency! Mutants in the old highway!" Circuit said.

"Let's move!" Jen said, and they all went towards the old highway.

"I'll look after the Clocktower!" I said.


[Arden Scotts]

The six of us were on our Vector Cycles, we chased after the stolen school bus.

"Let's go!" Lucas said, and we sped next to it. "Hang on, kids! We'll get you out of there! Don't worry!" He said. "We'll get you to safety soon!" I said.

"Worry about yourself! Blue, and White Rangers!" Tentaclaw said, he grabbed both me and Lucas with his tentacles, and lifted us up. Jen, Lucas and I fell.

"We'll take care of 'em!" Wes said, as him, Katie and Trip went after the school bus.

Jen, Lucas and I were on our Vector Cycles. The three of us arrived where the others are.

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