Chapter Five: Blue Streak

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[Arden Scotts]

Lucas and Trip was working on the sign. Jen, Katie and I were sweeping the leaves.

"I think this is gonna work out." Jen said. "Yeah." Katie said. "Me too." I said.

We heard honking, and saw a car. Wes and Quentin came out of it. "Hey!" Wes greeted. "Hey, guys!" Quentin greeted. "Now this, this is looking great." Wes told us. "You guys did great." Quentin said. "Thanks." Katie said.

Wes went towards Jen. "Any, uh, sign of Ransik?" He asked. "No, everything's quiet." Jen said. "So, how has living here been?" Quentin asked me. "Eh. It's all right." I said, shrugging.

Lucas went towards the car. Trip came over, and gestured towards him.

Wes went towards Lucas. "Pretty cool, huh?" Wes asked. Lucas nodded. "It's the latest model." Wes said. "How'd you like to take it for a spin?" He asked. "Really?" Lucas asked. "Sure." Wes said, and got into the passenger seat.

"So this, this is call a key." Wes told Lucas, holding up the car keys. "Oh." Lucas said, nodding. Wes hands the key to Lucas, and told him how to turn on the car. "Whoa, this is cool." Lucas said.

Katie laughed. Wes explained to Lucas about the brakes and gas pedal. "I think I got it." Lucas said. "See? You've got nothing to be afraid of." Wes said.

Jen, Trip, Katie and I were laughing a bit. "Hey, Wes doesn't know that Lucas is a championship race car driver, does he?" Trip asked. "No. But I bet he's about to find out." Katie said. "Really? He's a championship race car driver?" Quentin asked us. "Yeah. He went on races a lot." Trip said.

Lucas looks out the side of the door, and towards me. "Hey, Arden! Come on!" He called. "Well, looks like I'm needed." I said, and handed Quentin the broom. "Wait, why are you needed?" Quentin asked. Jen went to explain to Quentin. "Whenever Lucas tries out a new vehicle, he always brought Arden along with him." She told him.

"He says its a way to give him moral support, for me being there." I said. "I never really question it, and just went with it." I said, and went towards the car. I got into the backseat.

"Now, ease it into gear, when you pull up-" Wes was interrupted, when he sees Lucas put on his race car gloves. "What are those for?" He asked Lucas. "You'll see." I told him. "Race car driving." Lucas replied. "What?" Wes asked.

Lucas looks behind, he winks at me, and drives the car.


Lucas was driving around the road, showing off his race car driving skills.

I'm already use to Lucas' driving, with the fact that I'm always with him trying out new vehicles. But I can't say the same for Wes, he was having a bit of trouble getting use to it.

"Lucas, stop!" Wes shouted. Lucas drove past the red light. Lucas continue driving, and there was a police car siren behind us.

Wes look to the side, and saw a police car. "Oh no. Great, now you've done it." He told Lucas.


Eventually Lucas stopped at the side, as we waited for the officer.

"Driver's License, please." The officer said to Lucas. Lucas took out his license, and hands it to the officer. The license had a holo-image of Lucas, and voice to recognize his certification of a race car driver.

The officer laughs. "Very funny." He said, and tossed it back to Lucas. "Let's see now, speeding, reckless driving, illegal lane change, driving without a driver's license." He said. "Hey, at least he didn't see you run a red light." Wes told Lucas. "And running a red light." The officer said.

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