Chapter Four: Ransik Lives

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[Arden Scotts]

The five of us were at the Time Ship crash site. Jen, Lucas, Katie and I were sitting around the campfire, while Trip was fishing.

"What are we gonna do?" Lucas asked. "We have no money, we have no food." He said. "Yeah, how are we going to survive?" Katie asked. "Yeah, this is gonna be rough." I said.

"I got one! I got one!" Trip shouted. The four of us stood up. Trip pulls the fishing rod up, and was revealed to be an old shoe. We sighed and sat back down. We heard noises, we look behind and saw Wes and Quentin on their motorbikes.

"Grab your stuff." Wes told us, as they came over. "Come on, I've found a place for you to live." He said, he laughs and went towards his motorbike. "Wes had found you guys a place, and I have no idea where it is." Quentin said, and he followed Wes.


Wes and Quentin brought us to a place. The five of us were holding our stuff.

"It's probably some place really cool! I mean you should see the mansion he lives in!" Trip said, enthusiastically. "His mansion is pretty cool." I said, nodding.

Wes and Quentin stops in front of a clock tower. "Well, there it is. Home sweet home." Wes said. "Well, it's what on the inside that counts right?" Quentin asked.

The five of us were silent, and looking gat each other.


The seven of us were walking up the stairs.

"My dad owns this building, no one uses it anymore." Wes said. We continue climbing. "Hey!" Katie called, from behind us. "Isn't there an elevator?" She asked. "Yeah, right, just wait, it's worth the climb." Wes said. "You'll see." He said, and continue climbing.


The seven of us got to the top.

There were pigeons around, and they flew elsewhere. "Look out for all this junk." Wes told us. He turned towards us. "So, it's great huh?" He asked. "Well, it's better than nothing." Quentin said.

The five of us put our stuff down onto the floor. We look around.

"What a... dumb." Lucas said. I lightly smack his chest. "Don't be rude." I told him. "But it is a bit of a wreck." I said. Katie dust a little, and blew the dust out of her hand. "It is pretty dirty." She said. "We can't live here." Trip said.

"Look, you guys!" Jen called, she gestured for us to go towards her. She was looking out the window. "From up here we can see everyone, but no one can see us." She said. We look out the window, and saw Silver Hills. "It's perfect." She told us.

"I guess we can make it work." Katie said. "We just need to do some cleaning." I said. "Let's turn this place into a home." Jen said.

We look over to Wes and Quentin, the both of them smiled.


The seven of us begin cleaning up the place.

Jen was dusting the cobwebs. Wes, Quentin, Lucas and I were picking up the junk, and moving them away. Trip sets up Circuit. "Wow, this place is cool." Circuit said. Katie was cleaning the other windows.

Lucas and I were sweeping on the upper level. Lucas was sweeping the dust off the side. "Will you quit that?" Trip asked, he was below. "Sorry." Lucas apologized. "Our bad." I said.

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