Chapter Two: Time Force

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[Arden Scotts]

I woke up, and the first thing I hear is Trip shouting for us to get up, and ran away from the Time Ship.

The five of us woke up, and ran away from the Time Ship. The Time Ship exploded, and we landed in the sand.

Katie went towards Trip, helping him up. "Thanks, we were almost history." She said. "Yes, you were. But luckily, my Circuit circuits weren't damaged in the crash, and I woke up just in time." Circuit said.

"Wonder where we are." Lucas said, looking around. "I believe you mean, when we are." I corrected him. Lucas rolled his eyes, and lightly pushes me. I laughed.

Jen went to grab a case. "I can tell you exactly where and when we are." Circuit said. "We're just Northwest of the city called, Silver Hills. In the year, 2001." He said.

"2001?" Katie asked. "We've gotta get back!" She said. "We're not going anywhere! It's our fault, Ransik is loose." Jen said, she opened the case. "We aren't going back, until we captured him." She said, handing each of us a Chrono Morpher.

"But, Jen." Trip said. Jen stopped, and look towards him. "He already beat us once." He said. "True, but that was before we had these Chrono Morphers." Jen said, taking hers out, and throws the case away. She puts it on her wrist. "DNA, Locked!" Her Morpher said.

The four of us looked at our Chrono Morphers. Katie and Trip looks at me and Lucas. The both of us nodded. We placed our Chrono Morphers, onto our wrists. "DNA, Locked!" Our Morphers said.

"Let's go." Jen said.


The five of us got to Silver Hills, ignoring the people around looking at us.

"They're bound to be around here." Jen said. "Go to Scan Mode." She told us. The five of us tapped on our Visual Scanners, and they turned into sunglasses. The five of us gathered in a circle, and looks around. "Let's go." Jen said, and the five of us split up.

The five of us looks around, and were trying to find where Ransik and his goons could be.


[Quentin Ledger]

Wes Collins, and I were getting onto our motorbikes. The both of us put on our helmets.

I was wearing a beige shirt, brown jacket, and gray pants.

I placed my keys in place, and start up my motorbike. Whereas Wes dropped his. "Be more careful, Wes." I told him. "Yeah, yeah." Wes said, he reached down for his keys.

A girl passed by, and accidentally bumps his head. "Excuse me." The girl said. "Sorry about that." Wes told the girl, he start up his motorbike.

The both of us drove away.


[Arden Scotts]

Trip informed Jen about mutant DNA. Lucas, Katie and I look at each other, and nodded.

We ran towards where the mutants are.

"Stop right there!" Jen shouted, as the five of us stood in front of Nadira and her goons. "Your shopping spree is over, Nadira!" She said. "You? Here?" Nadira questioned. "There's nowhere to run this time!" Jen said.

Nadira laughs. "I have no intention of running!" She said. "Ready?" Jen asked, we held our Morphers up. "Time for, Time Force!" The five of us shouted, we tapped on our Morphers but nothing happened.

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