Chapter Three: Something to Fight For

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[Arden Scotts]

The five of us are at the Time Ship's crash site.

Katie was moving parts of the ship with ease, with her superhuman strength. Trip was trying to get something from under the debris, but was having difficulty moving it. Katie went towards him, she pulled him away, and lifted the debris.

Trip smiled, he went towards the case that was under it, and opened it. Katie dropped the debris.

I used my superhuman speed, to speed around the area clearing the ship's parts away to make the area more safe. I was giggling, while doing it. Using my superhuman speed, I tend to giggle and laugh.

Lucas was watching us, but I couldn't help but feel like he was watching me, as I felt his eyes on me, and following my every movement. "I want to catch Ransik, as badly as you do." He told Jen. "We're gonna need help." He said.

I used my superhuman speed, and went to stand next to Lucas. "He's right, you know." I said to my sister.

The communicator came online. "Hey, over here!" Jen called Katie and Trip, who quickly came over. The three of them stood in front of the screen. Lucas and I stood at the back.

"This is Captain Logan, do you read me?" Captain Jerk-face asked. "We read you, captain." Jen said. "Jerk-face." I muttered. Lucas patted my shoulder, trying to comfort me, which works.

"Where have you landed?" Jerk-face asked. "We followed Ransik, to the year 2001." Jen said. "Sir, he's got a whole prison full of monsters. We need back up." Katie said.

"That's impossible, the Time Ship's destroyed. We can't send any human help." Jerk-face said. "Useless." I muttered. "Our weapons are at your disposal, the rest is up to you." Jerk-face said. "You're our only hope." He said.

"Yes, sir." Jen said, nodding. "We won't let you down." She said.


[Quentin Ledger]

I am currently in the back of the Collins' limo. Philips, who is the Collins' butler, was driving us an executive meeting.

I was in a black tuxedo.

Wes was putting his necktie on. "Philips, I hate these things." He said. "You can't attend an executive meeting, without a necktie." Philips told him. "Yeah, well, maybe I shouldn't even be there." Wes said.

"Why am I going with you?" I asked. "Because Master Quentin, Mr. Collins said that it would be best if you were there, to make sure Master Wes doesn't run away." Philips told me. "Really? That's why I'm there?" I asked. "Why am I friends with you again?" I jokingly asked Wes, who rolled his eyes and playfully punch my shoulder. The both of us laughed.

Wes suddenly saw something outside the window. "Philips, stop!" He said. "What?" I asked. "Stop, stop." Wes said. Philips stopped the limo. Wes lowered the window, and looked towards the bank. "What are you looking at?" I asked, looking at what he's watching.

"I gotta go." Wes said, he got out of the limo. "Sorry, Philips. Tell him, something came up." He said, and ran off. Philips was trying to stop him, but obviously it didn't work. "Wes, wait!" I called, and got out of the limo going with him.


Wes and I stood at the entrance of the bank.

"All right, you bolt-brains. Let's blow this joint." A girl who I was told the name of by Wes, Nadira said. Her and her henchmen starts walking towards the entrance, she gasped when she saw us.

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