Chapter one

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~ so this story starts off with America and England , and in the next chapter will be when England will be introducing his brothers (( Scotland,Northern Ireland,Wales, and you)) . Also this story has UsUk in it so yep hope you enjoy~
Chapter one
3rd person point of view
"Iggy wake up! It's time to go remember ?!" The excited American yelled at his sleeping boyfriend. England then yelled
"Stop yelling into my ear you loud hullo-gin!"
"pfft- sorry ! But we do have to get up ! You have to take me on that Bo~ring trip to Scotland to meet your bros!" America yelled still excited about meeting England's older brothers and younger one.
*In Americas thoughts*
'Oh man I'm so excited! I can't wait to meet England's brothers! I bet there awesome! He also recently got a younger brother not to long ago! But like in country years it's probs like 57 years ago! But idk! Ohhhh! I can't wait!!!
*in England's thoughts*
'Bloody hell... He is not going to like my brothers... Well my older ones at least. But he'll maybe like whales... But that's just a possibility... But he will defiantly like my younger one... I mean, my younger brother is the only one I like... And it's hard to make me like someone... Hopefully things will turn out good on the trip .'

Back to 3rd person

England then got up from the bed, noticing America putting there fully packed bags on the bad as he walked to the closet. As soon as England got dressed, America grabbed there bags and walked to there car packing them in. England was already buckled up and ready to drive, as America jumped into the passenger side and buckled up as well.
" Are you ready?" England asked in a nervous tone.
" Yea dude!" America said.
"Ok, here we go ." England said as he started the car and drove to the air port.
~ time skip brought to you by iggy brows ~
As soon as England and America got to there stop, America grabbed the bags and followed England to there plane. As England and America went through the crowds, they finally found there plane. They gave there tickets and bags and got on the plane.
~ one our time skip ~
*Americas thoughs*
'Go~d I'm so Bo~red! This sucks! I can't sleep because of some annoying baby's and I can't talk to any one because England's asleep! How can he sleep through all this noise! ... This is going to be long...'

*back to 3rd person*

And that's what it did... It took long... But manly because America doesn't understand why time doesn't go so fast when you do nothing... but! They did finally make it to there stop. America shacked England
"hey dude , wake up were here," America said.
" Hnng.... Oh right," England said getting and following the American out of the plane to go get there bags. They soon made it into the con actor belt and grabbed there bags, seeing a taxi drive by, England put his hand out to get a ride. They both, England and America, get into the taxi.
" Give me ye address please," the Scottish taxi driver said.
" Ahh yes , it would be 607 on land road ." England said completely knowing what the man was saying as the American was still dumbfounded by the mans words.
" Ahh are these ye brothers, I her' l'ts of things up yonder." The taxi man asked
"umm , yes how did you know?" England asked, confused why he would know his brothers.
" me can loom at ye face an' see one thing abou' them." The taxi man said looking at England's eyebrows
" Just drive!" England said looking out the window angry. America still confused at the mans words
"dude that guy needs to learn American! I don't even know what he said man!"America whispered to England.
"you mean English, 'American' is not a language." England whispered back.
" Not in my dictionary it doesn't!" America smiled.

~~ so yea ! This was the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed !! I'll be writing more soon ! Probly as soon as this one get out ! ~~

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