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"Haru, I had a relationship with Jimin."

Haru nodded his head at her words, "Yeah I know. I figured."

"What? How?"

Haru rubbed the back of his neck with agitation, "The way you stare at him. I knew right away."

Mi-Sun swallowed her spit and stared at Haru's eyes with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you! I just didn't know if I could!"

Haru scoffed, "why's that? You don't trust me?"

Mi-Sun shook her head, "it's not that!"

Haru shrugged his shoulder, "what is it then?"

Mi-Sun stayed quiet.

She didn't want to tell Haru that it's because she still feels some type of way for Jimin.

Mi-Sun shook her head.


Haru sighed, grabbing her arm and looking deeply into her eyes.

"That's fine! I hope eventually you realize I'm not the one you should be hiding from."

Haru let's go of her arm and walks out of the room and down the stairs. Mi-Sun stayed trying to grasp Haru's words and thinking about what just happened with Jimin.

★☆ ★☆

The next day Mi-Sun arrived to work looking like a mess. Clearly on purpose. She wanted to look as hideous as possible to avoid the risk of Jimin recognizing her.

Her hoody was up as she made her way towards the breakfast buffet.

And right when she walked up the the buffet to grab herself a plate, someone else was too reaching for the plate.

And right when she walked up the the buffet to grab herself a plate, someone else was too reaching for the plate

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He scoffed. "Sorry, go ahead."

Mi-Sun froze. His gaze nearly gave her a heart attack.

She grabbed the plate and hurried to grab her food. When she sat down near the window to eat her food that's when Taehyung approached. Placing his plate down in front of her.

"You don't mind if I sit here do you?"

Mi-Sun didn't know what to do. She couldn't take her mask off now and she couldn't talk to him.

If she did her cover would be blown, and her past situationship with Taehyung would come back into the mix with her current life problems.

Taehyung sat down. Smiling at Mi-Sun as he ate his scrambled eggs.

She stared down at her plate.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Mi-Sun shook her head.


She stayed quiet.

"Because she's shy!"

A familiar voice said approaching the table.

A familiar voice said approaching the table

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"She's not gonna eat in front of you!"

Taehyung scoffed and stared at Jimin.

"You don't even know her!"

"I've known her for two days to clearly tell that she's not interested in us."

Mi-Sun stayed quiet.

"She's interested in Haru so give up!"

Taehyung scoffed, continuing to eat his scrambled eggs.

"I was just trying to be her friend. I'm not interested in her in that way."

Jimin stayed silent eying Taehyung closely.

"Are you?" Taehyung asked Jimin sassily.

Jimin laughed, "you're kidding right? Look at her!"

Mi-Suns heart pitted to her stomach. She felt her face getting red.

"Don't be rude!" Taehyung said angrily

"What?" Jimin said, getting into Taehyung's face.

"Bruh! Just go to fucking Mee-Yon right now! you're being a prick!"

"I will!" Jimim said, storming off up the stairs.

Mi-Suns hands were still shaking underneath the table. Her head was tilted low.

An awkward silence persisted as Mi-Sun tried to hold back her tears. Jimin's words hurt.

"I bet if he knew who I was he wouldn't be talking like that about me!"

"I think you look great!"

Taehyung said, giving Mi-Sun a smile before handing her a tissue paper that was folded up.

"I'll see you up there!" Taehyung said, getting up from the booth and dumping his plate in the dish basket.

Mi-Sun grabbed the napkin and stared at it in a particular way.

There was some visible black writing on it.

She opened the napkin to reveal a message.

"Text me!"

Taehyung wrote in the napkin with his number just underneath the message.

Mi-Sun swallowed her spit nervously and placed the napkin in her pocket. She didn't even know what to do about this new situations that has arisen.

 She didn't even know what to do about this new situations that has arisen

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Your Eyes Tell | Book 2 | PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now