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Authors POV

Haru and Mi-Sun walk hand in hand down the street reaching a good distance away from the company. Haru had his car parked just enough away from the company where Mi-Sun didn't have to wear her mask anymore.

Haru and Mi-Sun both enter the car. Feeling a sense a relief after the whole ordeal with Jimin walking in on them goofing off.

"That was so close Haru, Jimin almost saw me!"

Haru just shook his head, glaring at the side of Mi-Suns face.

"What is it?" Mi-Sun said, turning to look at Haru.

"I haven't seen your face for a while!" Haru said, moving a strand of hair out of Mi-Suns face.

"I know, I'm sorry! I'm just waiting for them to leave, and then everything will go back to normal!"

Haru glides his hand down Mi-Suns arm, "well... I miss you.."

Mi-Sun smiles, grabbing his hand and interlocking it into hers.

"You can always come over to my house like old times, and eat ramen with me!" Mi-Sun said.

Haru scoffed, closing his eyes with a big smile on his face. He scoots closer to Mi-Sun.

"I know pretty well I won't be eating ramen if I go to your house," Haru said, stroking Mi-Suns cheek up and down.

Mi-Sun giggled, "Haru!!"

He raises his eyebrow up at Mi-Sun, wrapping his hand around the side of her neck.

He leans in closer, glaring closely at her lips.

"I wanna kiss you so badly!" Haru side, biting his lips as he stared down at her.

She scoffs, wrapping her hands around his neck, "well, I want you to!"

Haru smiled, leaning down, and kissing her lips passionately.

Mi-Sun closed her eyes enjoying every moment

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Mi-Sun closed her eyes enjoying every moment. His lips pressed onto hers so effortlessly. So smoothly. She wondered if their lips were meant for one another. She felt comfort, and calmness kissing him. And all she wanted was more and more. His kiss was so tender and gentle. She knew that if she wanted to be with Haru, her life would be filled with content.

Taehyung's POV

"Annyong!" Taehyung said, to the employees as he walks out the company building and walks down the sidewalk.

He strolls along, listening to the bustling street. Watching the nature and people around him. With content he smiles. Feeling at peace walking down the street.

Halfway down, he reaches into his pocket for something. He stops.

"Where's my phone?"

He reaches in his other pockets in search for it, but it's not in any of them.

"I left it at the company!" Taehyung said, turning around and walking back down the sidewalk he initially came from.

He glanced over at the cars parked near the curb. One car in the distance having two couples making out.

He laughs, before his smile fades away.

"Mi-Sun?" He said to himself

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"Mi-Sun?" He said to himself. Stopping in his tracks, and staring at the two people making out.

He glared at the man, feeling his heart sink into his stomach when he realized.

"Haru?" He said, with wide eyes as he stares at them.

"Haru just left with Takara!"

He closes his eyes and rubs his face with his hand. Then he hears the car door open.

Out walks Mi-Sun with a huge smile on her face. Giggling as Haru says something to her from within the car.

 Giggling as Haru says something to her from within the car

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Taehyung was in complete shock. He stared at her frozen not being able to move.

Mi-Sun starts walking down the sidewalk towards Taehyung. Not realizing that it was him.

The moment their eyes meet. Taehyung's heart starts to sting.

Mi-Suns eyes widened. She covered her mouth in shock as she turned away from Taehyung, walking back towards the company.

Haru gets out the car frantically. Staring at Taehyung as he stays glued to his same spot he was in previously.

Taehyung bolts for Mi-Sun. Grabbing her arm and turning her towards him.

Mi-Sun gasps, trying to turn away from Taehyung quickly.

As her arm loosens underneath Taehyung's hand, she speed walks down the sidewalk, this time trying to cross the road.

Taehyung runs after her, grabbing her arm and turning her towards him.

In the middle of the street they stare into each others eyes, as cars honk for them to get out of the middle of the road.

Taehyung pulls her back towards the sidewalk. Gripping her arm tightly.

"You're.. you're Takara!" Taehyung whispered.

Mi-Sun closes her eyes tightly when she realized Taehyung had just figured out who she was.

Your Eyes Tell | Book 2 | PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now