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When I arrived to the hospital I carried her inside. I told them she fainted and they grabbed her from my hands and took her into the hospital. I tried to go inside but they didn't let me.

I sat on the chair and waited for her manager to arrive.

When he did I told him what happened and he instantly got on the phone to tell HYBE that it was because of the so called "fans" that entrap her.

After a few hours, a nurse finally came out. Mi-Suns manager instantly stood up and asked the nurse if we could go in.

"Only one person at a time." She said.

Her manager went in first, and I sat down again on the chair worried as could be.

In the far corner of my eye, I could see some people taking pictures. I sighed and looked away.

And then I heard a familiar voice.


It was my members.

"What the fuck happened!" Yoongi shouted.

I looked at him without being able to say any words.

"Is she okay?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook kept rubbing his neck, and Hoseok kept walking back and forth. The other members stood there and waiting for my reply.

"Her fans... well I don't even know if it were her fans. They attacked her in front of HYBE today."

"Attacked?" Namjoon shouted.

"Well.. they surrounded her and entrap her in a circle.. you know how she is about big crowds.."

"Right she has anxiety!" Taehyung said.

"Can we see her?" Jungkook asked with worry.

"The nurse said only one person at a time."

The all sighed at sat down on the chairs.

"I hope she's doing okay." Jin said with worry.

I gulped nervously as I stare at the door for when her manager was going to come out.

Few minutes later

Her manager exited and I instantly stood up. I ran up to him.

"How is she?"

The manager sighed, "she's.. she's alright. Do you wanna go in and see her?"

"Yes... please!"

He tells me with his head to go in. I instantly run in through the doors. I look at the nurse.

"What room."

"Thirteen." She said, and I walked as fast as I could to the door and opened it.

There she was.... laying on the bed with her eyes closed.

My eyes swell up with tears.


She looks up at me and covers her mouth.

"Jimin?!" She said, her eyes staring to swell with tears.

"Jimin!" She cried.

I walk next to her bedside and hugged her tightly as she cried.

"It's okay baby! I got you!" I said stroking her head.

"Jimin I'm so sorry!" She said.

I looked at her with confusion.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked looking down at her crying face.

She wiped her tears with her hands, and I instantly got up to get tissues.

I sit back down on the bed and I wipe her tears away as she explains to me why she's sorry.

I sit back down on the bed and I wipe her tears away as she explains to me why she's sorry

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"They all saw you!"

I shook my head.

"I don't care!" I said.

She looked at me like if I was speaking gibberish.

"I really don't care anymore. I don't care what anyone is going to say or think about me and you. You shouldn't either." I said as I caressed her cheek.

"But... your career.."

I scoffed.

"My real army will love me no matter who I'm with. I'm a man who loves a woman. It's fate. I can't run away from that!" I said as I squeeze her hand slightly and stare down at her IV. I touch it carefully.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

She nods her head. "A little.."

I lean down and kiss her arm where the iv is.

"Don't worry." I said placing my hand around her neck. "It'll be over soon I promise."

I stare down at her lips as I inch forward to kiss them.

She wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me down against her chest.

She's hugging me... tightly

"I love you..." she said.. and my heart instantly stopped.

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Your Eyes Tell | Book 2 | PJM FFWhere stories live. Discover now