Sangeet ❣️🔥

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~~ Author's POV ~~

Time: 8:00 am...

Everyone was sleeping peacefully in there rooms until....
The sound of dhol disturbed their beauty sleep...

In Jiya's room...
She tried to cover her ears with the help of a pillow but failed and at last she got up from her sleep and headed out of her room to see what's going on downstairs

As she reached downstairs she saw all elders dancing on the beat of dhol ( groom side too)
While the youngsters... some were clapping their hands with no energy, some of them were dancing with them and some of them were still not there...( Groom and bride both side's were there)

Jiya: Arre bhai,Ye sab kya hai?
( Arre, what's all this?)
Aditi: Today is Sangeet gurll that's why they came today so early..
Jiya: But it's too early..
Aman: Leave it naa dii Come let's dance..
Jiya: Naa I'm fine you go..
Aman: Okay...
With that she went to dance with all of the elders...
Jiya: Eh?
Aditi: What?
Jiya: Where's Abhilasha and Y/N?
Aditi: Abhilasha would be romancing with yeonjun and about Y/N..i don't know..
Jiya: I will be right back in a minute i want to talk to Y/n...
Aditi: Ok

In Y/N's room...
Jiya saw y/n sleeping peacefully
Jiya: How can you sleep so comfortably??
She went towards Y/N and shouted in her ears...
( Wake up! It's morning already)
Y/N got startled and got up
Y/N: Kyaa???
Jiya: wake up! I want to talk to you..
Y/N: Am i sleeping right now? Well,leave it and what is it?
Jiya: Who told yeonjun jiju about me and Taehyung?
Y/N: Ohh that ( Standing up and walking towards her closet) I told him...
Jiya: ( walking behind her)Have you lost it?
Y/N: No and yeah not only him Everyone know except for Elders
Jiya: Yaar? Are you serious?
Y/N: Jiya yaar you wanted Taehyung to tell his parents first naa
Jiya: If you already knew that then why did you told yeonjun jiju?
Y/N: Sorry but yeonjun jiju saw both of you together and he asked me about you and him so I told him...
Jiya: Now?
Y/N: What now? He will talk to both of your parents as soon as possible...
Jiya: Yaar!
Y/N: Calm down ok firstly let's go and talk to yeonjun jiju...
Jiya: Hmm
Y/N: Do you know where are they now?
Jiya: They must be in their room...

In Abhilasha and Yeonjun's Room...

Abhilasha just came from taking a bath she wasn't feeling well from yesterday night...
She then went to yeonjun...

Yeonjun is sleeping...
Abhilasha: Babe, Get up..
Yeonjun: Hmm?
Abhilasha: Get up na everyone is waiting for us...
Yeonjun: Hmm
Abhilasha: what hmm hmm?
Yeonjun: Hmm
Abhilasha: Please yeonjun I'm not feeling well
Yeonjun immediately got up after hearing what abhilasha said...
Yeonjun: What happened? Did you catched cold?
Abhilasha: No it's ju--

She suddenly got up and ran to bathroom and started vomiting...
Yeonjun too went after her...

Yeonjun: Abhilasha, Are you okay? Heyy?
Abhilasha: I'm feeling dizzy
Yeonjun: Dizzy? But why?
Abhilasha: I don't know...
Yeonjun: let's go to hospital..
Abhilasha: No I'm ok
Yeonjun: No you are not, come on now get up...
Abhilasha: there's no need to go to hospital...
Yeonjun: ( putting his finger on her lips) Keep quiet...

And Y/N and jiya entered their room and saw both of them in bathroom...

Jiya: Jijuu?
Y/N: Heyy abhilasha? what happened?
Yeonjun: she just vomitted and now she's feeling dizzy...
Y/N: wait a min i will call the doctor
Yeonjun: yess please
Y/N: Jiju please take her to bed

After sometime doctor came and till now everyone was so worried..
Doctor started checking abhilasha and we all were outside the room
After 15 mins doctor told us to come in...

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