Chapter 2

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Scar's PoV:

I look out on the yelling crowd and try to calm my nerves. I watched the other reapings on the train ride, trying to come up with a strategy, find the best people to ally with... they need to be strong and friendly. Fight off all the others, and then... I don't think that far. Wilbur tries to give us advice too, but I can't take it in from the nerves. All I catch is 'be confident, and get attention'.

Me and BigB are immediately given a full makeover and outfits... I'm allowed to keep my cowboy hat, the only thing I brought with me, and frown at the shirt, black jacket and jeans I'm given. It appears they've run out of ideas in their department because we're not even given the link to our district. BigB accepts. I slip the matches from my normal jacket into my new one, an idea coming to mind already, ready for the parade.

I look around at the other teams and their outfits as we climb onto our carriage, catching a glimpse both of District 1 struggling into fake diamond wings, before we set off. 

The crowd yells louder as we ride out. Everyone's just waving with various levels of awkward except Doc from District 2 who just glares. And just as we turn the first corner, I put my plan in motion.

I grab the matches, tearing off the stupid shirt and jacket and lighting them on fire. The crowd screams louder and I finally give a genuine grin. Even some of the other tributes are distracted by my fiery spectacle. I throw the burning clothes into the crowd and they jump back, just as they're distracted by something else. 

A pair of literal live birds take to the air from the District 1 carriage and I catch a smirk from the one with black hair. The birds are colourful, diving and squawking before returning to their owners. I need to step up my spectacle game already. 

I crouch down, striking another match and set the literal carriage on fire. 

'What are you doing?!'

'Making sure no one forgets us.' 

I stand again as shrieks rise from the crowd, giving black-hair District 1 a smile and a wave. He's amused, clearly, especially when water is thrown over our burning carriage. I'm soaked, shivering slightly, as the carriage continued. But it's done the trick.

If they didn't know who I was to start with they definitely do now.

Cub's PoV

I'm allying with the arsonist from District 12.

He'll probably accept too because I'm District 1, and will want all the help he can get. Beside me Grian's just smiling and waving, pleased with our effort from CJ and PB. I want to try something more, one-up District 12 again, so I grab the firework launchers we were given to use safely, and fire a firework at the road ahead.

The crowd gasps, thinking it's all part of the show, and the carriage stops short as the horse rears up, spooked, trying to break free. Peacekeepers yell, one running to calm them down. I can't see any expressions under the helmets, but can tell they're furious. The crowd keeps cheering, as the horses spook those of District 2 as well. I catch a glance at Doc's expression of pure fury as he grips to the side of his carriage. He's scared. I fire another firework that just misses, spraying up just in front of District 3. A scream from the horses as they bolt, dragging the carriage forwards. I smile at the chaos, the peacekeepers running around, the terrified horses and tributes. Grian lets out a sigh next to me, though slightly humoured.

'You should be more careful, Cub. They could kill you at any point for messing up everything.'

'They can't stop me being in the Hunger Games, because that's already their worst punishment. All they have to do is try to deal with me until we go in.'

'You're mad.'

'I know.'

The carnage continues further. One of the peacekeepers is trampled, at least one horse shot. I think I hear someone yelling to kill all the horses (Joel-) and laugh. How little it takes to send the entire system to disaster.

We're led off the carriages before we reach the end. I give a small bow, before watching as District 12 arsonist sets the next few carriages on fire before being forced in line by a pair of particularly furious peacekeepers who snatch his match-box away and shove him back to where the other is waiting with his mentor. I try to get closer, but the Peacekeeper only shoves me closer to Grian, grabbing my fireworks, gun in hand. I glare back at them, knowing they'd never shoot a tribute and get away with it. CJ's happily nestled under my outfit, as is PB under Grian's, so they can't get them. Scott runs to join us.

'Oh my goodness...' He tries and fails to calm his nerves. 'Why- why are you insane?!'

I shrug. Scott doesn't need to know my plan. 

'Come on, they will just shoot if we don't get a move on.'

'They won't kill the tributes.'

'Why not? You're all going to die anyway. They could say it was a misfire or a mistake. You can always be replaced.'

I follow after him and Grian in silence.

The apartment for District 1 is right at the bottom, right within range of everything outside. I hear protests from another tribute, watching as they dragged inside by Peacekeepers. It's the one from District 12. We catch eye contact for a second and I nod. He smiles back, before being forced into the elevator, followed by his mentor and fellow tribute.

'Don't encourage him.' Scott snaps behind. 'Tributes like that are dangerous or die first from recklessness.' 

'I like him.'

'You're not going to ally with someone in District 12. They'll never win.'

'That's what everyone's supposed to think.' 

I leave Scott in shocked silence as I enter my own room to tear off the outfit, changing into the bed-clothes provided. The bed is huge - like everything in the Capitol - and as I lie down on it, I think about training tomorrow.

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