Chapter 9

131 15 15

PoV: Grian

I've just planned out every single death :D

And no, I'm not telling you what the order is

Or who wins


The next morning dawns the same as yesterday.

My hand still aches with pain, cramp fills me from my awkward position in the tree, and for a moment I don't remember where I am before I realise. I'm alone, hurt, at the start of the hunger games. Yesterday I lost an ally and killed an enemy.

I killed someone.

The thought fills my head like lead. I didn't even know who he was... does he have friends at home? Family? People waiting for him to come back alive when this is over?

In a futile attempt to think of anything else, I unwrap the material around my hand. It's stopped bleeding, disgusting, but the wound is clean, and shouldn't get infected. I put more of the cream on it and my other injuries, in some strange way thankful for the dull pain distracting me. Then I turn to the trident. It's large, but surprisingly light, throwable. I clean off the blood, lost in thoughts of Jevin again. Will the other careers come after me? I don't know, concern filling me as I sit there. I can't move, and don't dare to start eating my food yet, despite my growing hunger. I'll survive for some time yet. Besides, it must be called the Hunger Games for a reason. So I stay where I am, quiet, on watch, waiting for something to happen.

I snap to attention at the sound of a breaking twig. Someone shhes. There's a quiet apology back.

I look down, trident poised to throw. Only if they attack first, I vow. I'm not killing someone for nothing.

The three are instantly recognizable, though it takes a moment to remember names... One with brown hair and a constantly shocked expression, badly hurt. I saw him run from the cornucopia alone. One has a decent beard and a mechanical eye. It seems hand-made and for a moment I consider him as district 3 before I remember the other guy there is. He's tall, with black hair and the fanciest moustache I've ever seen. Only mad-eye is armed.

'I heard something?' Moustache frowns, looking towards where I am.


'I'm sure I heard something...' This is exactly how the conflict before started. I don't move. I can't.

'Hallo? We're unarmed.' Calls another mad-eye. 'Who are you?'

'Sweet faces, we should go. It might be one of the nasty people.'

'They're probably still raiding Ren's stuff...'

So it was Ren that died last night. I never spoke to him, but remember he and mad-eye were allied. If they're against the careers...

I silently snap a twig off the tree and throw it down. They react slowly. I chance my arm.

'Grian. District 1. Can I ally with you?' Silence follows.

'He wants to ally?'

'I'm hurt but stole a trident from Doc. Accidentally. He threw it at me and... I caught it in a very painful way.' I don't know why I'm still talking.

'Ok. We'll ally with you.'

I stare down, frowning.


'You seem alright.' Mad-eye shrugs. After a second, grabbing my stuff, I slip from the tree.

'Alright then... And you are?'

'Mumbo, D3, Keralis D7, and I'm Iskall, D8. The careers killed my ally, Ren. I had to run and found these two.'

'Both of us had absolutely nothing.' Explains Mumbo. 'We accepted Iskall's alliance... He had food.' I nod

'I've not got much.' something tells me not to share my healing cream, but at the same time, Keralis is still bleeding. 'I'm trying to save it...' I unzip the bag and pull out the cream.. 'So don't use too much.'

They look at me like I'm their saviour. It doesn't take too long for Keralis to cover his injuries, handing back the pot. There's still a decent amount left.

For a moment we just stand there, awkward. It's clear none of us know what to say or do.

'Well... Should we find somewhere to settle down? A base or something?' I suggest. 'Somewhere to keep our stuff and rest...'

'Good idea.'

'The Careers are nearer the centre... We should find a place nearer the edge of the arena.' Iskall decides. I nod, and we start walking. For a bit it's in silence, until I start conversation.

'So... Mumbo, right?'

'Me? Yes... Mumbo Jumbo.'

'Grian Xelqua. What's... district 3 like?'

'Well... I like working with the electronics. It's fun to figure out how things work. And...'

'District 1? It's... Alright. There was a resistance a few years back. I didn't join in but... Agreed with their cause.'

'Isn't District 1 just like the capitol?' I shake my head.

'It's still underfed. We don't provide our own food. They cut off the supply after the resistance to stop anyone else from considering it...'

'So you always went hungry?'

'For that time, yeah...' I try not to think back too much. 'But we've got to follow their rules. Always hated the Capitol, but I'm not going to cause chaos on purpose and get killed like Scar and Cub.' And yet it was Cub who saved me at the bloodbath. For the deal that if he died I'd ally with Scar and keep him alive. Unless he dies first. A small part of my mind reminds me. If Scar dies first, the deal can't happen


'What?' I look at Mumbo. He's staring at me, 'I was... thinking.'

'Do you have anyone back home you miss?'

'Yeah... a friend.' Mumbo doesn't speak, I elaborate. 'Taurtis.'


'Yeah...' the longing for him rises again, but I push it away. 'You?'

'Just... a couple of people. Family. Friends.'

'Yeah...' I pause as Iskall does. We've stumbled upon a defendable area, with a few trees and thick bushes. The only way in or out is the way we came from, or by climbing the trees.

'Good area.' I note. 'I'll set up a trap at the entrance, in case anyone comes. Do we have any rope at all?'

Iskall rummages through his bag, handing some over. I nod, picking apart the threads into thinner strings, then creating a simple spring trap. I keep my trident near at all times, unable to fight the worry of someone stealing it. No one does, and when I turn around to the others, they've got a fire started, and the walls are thicker from branches woven through them.

'The Omega Base of Doom is done!' Iskall declares. 'And... you've checked your trap works?'

'Well... I can't really, without setting it off. But I tested the exact design before that did.' I accept a place next to Mumbo, trident still near, and warm my hands on the fire.

'I worked on the booshes.' Explains Keralis. 'None of the other sweet faces can get through them now.'


'Yeah, they're booshes.' Iskall laughs.

'Well...' We all turn to Mumbo as he starts speaking. 'We've got a home!'

'A nice base in the... south? Are we in the south?' I only get shrugs back. 'Well, we can still call it the South Lands... to the South Lands!' Everyone echoes the cheer and I smile, realising suddenly how long it's been since I thought about Jevin, and BigB. And that I might finally be safe.

Why is it always the wholesome chapters that take longer to write?

Never mind.

I guess I've just gotta add more angst :)

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