Chapter 7

134 17 6

Pov: Grian

I run.

My mind doesn't work. It doesn't have time to as I stumble through the forest, trying to find safety... a particularly climbable tree... or a cave... or a river... there's only one thing on my mind.

Cub just saved my life.

I dive behind a tree. I'm too hurt to climb up it. All I can do is hide there, pretend I'm a bush, freak out about the fact that I could very easily be dead right now. I tear open the zip of the bag I was given, rifle through... my hands close around a small container and I pull it out.

My eyes widen.

It's medicine.

I wipe my hands quickly, before grabbing just enough to cover my injuries. The pain immediately dulls and bliss fills me. I look through the rest of the bag... a bit of food, and a knife. It's all I need for now. I'll survive a couple of days here at least, and then move on.

Clearer-headed and slightly more hopeful than before, I stuff the medicine in the bag first, then the food, and keep the knife in hand as I slowly climb the tree.

And then I remember what else I saw.

My ally is dead.

BigB... died. My contentment fades as I sit down on a stable branch. I might be safe, but I'm alone in a tree while... he's dead. I try to fight the tears and fail, starting to sob. I'm completely alone. There's no one who can help me... all I have is the bare minimum.


I shrink away at the sound, silent. I try to recognise who it is, hoping it's someone like Pearl, or Tango's group... My blood is ice when I realise it's the careers.

They haven't noticed me, continuing their conversation. I glance down, hooking my stuff to a higher branch for safety.

'She deserved it.' The white haired Jevin snaps. 'Lizzie, you know she deserved it... she broke my leg!'

'She was asking to get killed.' Agrees False. 'She was hurt, and only one of us is going to win this anyway. We can't get... merciful.'

I try to spot the weakest of them, eyes hooking on Jevin. He's leaning on a large branch, leg bandaged but still broken. But even he's got his own sword... Lizzie's got a knife, and seems slightly nicer that him, False who has a shield as well as her sword or Doc - who's still enormous and has a trident.

'It doesn't matter if it was merciful or not, man. It's done. It's not our problem any more.' Doc cuts the argument short. 'Now, let's find somewhere to settle down and...'

'Someone's left something in this tree.'

I freeze as False points to the bag. Doc can hit me down with his trident in seconds, I can't make a movement or sound. The only other thought is running but if I grab my stuff, they'll know I'm trying to run for it and if not I'll be dead in a couple of days from my injuries.

'Someone climb up and get it.'

'It might be a trap.' Warns Lizzie.

'Jevin, climb up and get it.' Doc repeats.

'I've got a broken leg!'

'Exactly. You're going to die first of us anyway.'

He glares at Doc, but obeys, dropping his sword as he goes. My mind scrambles for a solution. Lizzie's thought of a trap sticks in my mind. I have a knife. I can easily...

I fall away again, one hand gripping the tree and the other holding my knife, as Jevin's voice comes from far too close for comfort. My chances halve with each second I don't do anything, until he's there, and I move.

I stab blindly. He yells out, and falls. I ignore the scream, snatch up my stuff, and climb higher. False spots me. A moment later a cannon rings out.

I just killed Jevin.

I don't think about it. I can't think about it, reaching the highest, weakest branches. There's nowhere else to go. I pray that no one else is following, right as Doc's trident flies at me.

Agony invades every part of me as it hits straight through my hand. I don't think as I tear it out, my knife falling to the ground below. Pain cuts through rational thought fighting another scream by gripping tighter to the weapon. I let out a sob, whimpering from the pain I sit there, cradling my bleeding hand.

'He's- my trident! They've got my trident, man!' Doc's incredulous voice reaches me. I barely acknowledge it.

'You threw it up a tree at him... what did you think was going to happen?'

'I don't know... I thought it might kill him.'

'Look, we have other weapons.' False retorts. 'Come on.'

'That's my best weapon!'

'Then climb up and get it, and expect to fall and die when he stabs you with it.'

'Fine... Lizzie, come on.'

I barely hear them walk away, breathing ragged as I try to regain my senses... it's too dangerous this high up, but I get a glimpse of forest just everywhere. No water sources, just almost identical trees. Lower down is better, so I skid down the tree to where I was before, too numb to really comprehend what just happened. A moment later a Capitol ship comes for Jevin. I watch absently as he's taken away before blinking, cutting off one of the bag straps, tearing it apart to form a bandage, smothering it with medicine, and tying it onto my hand with my teeth. The pain fades enough, but it still throbs. I keep the trident with me, hooking the bag back over the branch it was on before.

My breathing slows as I finally relax. I'm safe... I guess. I survived an attack from the careers, though mostly by accident. My ally is dead... I try not to start crying again. I don't know why. It's as though I can't admit he's gone. I might've been able to save him but... I didn't. I was too busy almost getting killed and ending up empty-handed. Too much has happened already. I stare at the darkening sky, trying to get comfortable. I know they're going to show the dead in the air. I don't know what else I expect as the music starts.


Jevin, district 4

Bdubs, district 5

Cleo, district 7

Jimmy: district 9

BigB: district 12

I don't know what it is, but I start crying, and I can't stop, even as it's done. These people are DEAD.

And I killed one of them.

I close my eyes, trying to sleep.

I stay awake until morning.

Poor Grian :(

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