Chapter 5

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PoV: Scar

I pick at my clothes as the interviews starts. My mind still thinks over the score and what Wilbur told me. I know I'm last, the words of the cheesily over-excited introduction irrelevant... My mind just wanders elsewhere, until it's brought sharply back at my name.

'...Scar.' The host says and I look up, but relax again when I realise it's just a question for Cub.

'What about him?'

'Why did you choose to ally with him? I mean... he's district 12, and you're district 1...'

'He likes chaos, and so do I.'

'Yes... Chaos... of course.' I hear the strained happiness of the presenter's voice from here. 'And... how do you intend to win?'

'Who said I intended to win?'

Silence. No one speaks. My mind fumbles for a reason or any understanding.

'You... don't intend to win?'

'Not in the way Etho or Grian intend to, no.'

Again, silence. Complete silence. If I made any small noise, everyone would hear me.

'Well... how very interesting... I'm sure out audience will love watching the friendship of you and Scar develop over time...' The conversation dies out. It must be the first time the host has been caught speechless in an interview. 'Anyway... what's the name of the parrot you flew around.'

'Captain Jack. I... let him free so he can find a nicer home.'

'That's lovely... was he a pet from at home?'

'Yeah, he kept me company...'

'You... didn't have many friends?' There's no immediate reply until he decides on.

'It wasn't a bad life... but I'm sure life in the Capitol is better.'

A murmur of agreement rises from the audience. I think back to my own small home in District 12. Will I ever return there? Is this the last I'll be in the outside world? It's hard to shake away the thoughts as he walks away and Grian's brought in for his turn.

He's good. Really good. He gets laughs, sighs, every reaction he's hoping for. They discuss his impressive 8 from training, and his alliance with BigB. A few jokes come and go well, some come back for a second time before the line of tributes continues.

There's a whole combination of quality and personality to follow. Doc plays defensive, giving nothing away, Etho's confusing, Joel's egotistical... there's a communal 'aww...' from the audience when Tango declares that he and Jimmy's relationship is like they were soulbound to each other, and that Impulse and Zed were like family to him already. Martyn's almost as confusing as Etho, BigB explains his strategy of just sticking with Grian, and then it's me.

'...and finally, we reach our last tribute... Scar.' I walk over, to a larger applause than expected, and sit down. 'So... 12 in training?'

'Yeah.' Is all I can come up with. My mind repeats what Wilbur told me. I'm a target. The 12 isn't good.

'It was quite a shock, I admit, trying to remember what Grian did. 'Thought I was going to get a 1... Or a -1' This gets a laugh out of the audience.

'I can imagine... but congratulations. Now, what's your side of the chaos duo.'

'Oh, we're the Convex.' I reply almost instinctively. 'Me and Cub... decided we wanted a team name and... Convex sounded good.' The atmosphere disappears to near silence.

'The Convex... and how do you feel about your chances in the actual games.'

'I...' I shrug. 'I'm going to go in there, cause some chaos, probably burn some stuff, and then hope I win.'

'That... matches what you've done before... No offense.' A small laugh. 'But... a lot of chaos and a little bit of luck has worked so far.'

'Definitely. I did not expect an alliance with anyone, let alone District 1, and a friendship with Tango's group of allies.'

'Now... You don't have to answer... But who do you think is going to win if not you?'

I think for a second about everything I've seen, and heard, and settle on the answer that'll cause the biggest outrage.


The rest of our time passes in a blur. Cub finds me to explain the plan for when the games begin. Even though it's simple - I just run in a certain direction and let him handle everything - I repeat through it as I lie awake in bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark for the last time. As I lie awake, I hear a continuous whimper or similar from next door and realise with a jolt that BigB's crying. Tomorrow we could die. I could trip over and get caught by one of the Careers, or forget the plan, run in the wrong direction, and not be able to find Cub. He could get killed. Both of us could get killed. The thoughts run through my head as I try to block them out. I need sleep. Sleep is the first priority, above thoughts of what would happen tomorrow.

I close my eyes and another while later I drift off into uneasy dreams of the Hunger Games.

I rise late the next morning and then it seems like no time at all until we're in some helicopter to the games, and then underneath the arena, in the tight, probably defensive, outfit I'll be wearing. I try to breathe properly in it, though that may be rising panic about what's going to happen. Only one of us is going to come out the other end. They're going to kill, and get hurt, and watch allies and enemies all die alike.

There's a glass tube up. I climb in, watching the real world disappear as I rise into the arena.

Light blinds me. Then I notice the other tributes, all in a ring around the cornucopia. I can't see Cub. I scan the ring, terror growing. Which way am I supposed to go? What's going on? I spot a hologram countdown and my terror doubles.





I don't know what to do. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm on the edge of the death game with no ideas. Has Cub done something else? Escaped? Been killed?

Who said I intended to win?

His reply runs through my head again, and again, and again, and I don't know what I'm going to do when that countdown ends and we can all start killing each other... Who's near me? I don't recognise either of my neighbours. Not the red-head with the flowers in her hair or the other with his long hair tied in a ponytail.

And then I catch sight of him.

Cub points my left and relief drowns my fear. He's here. He's here. He's here... And I now know what to do.




Its about to begin



The Hunger Games begins

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