Chapter 25

87 7 13

Pov: Scar

Joel is dead.

It's been...

I don't know.

I don't know how long. The capitol took the body. 

Joel's body.

Joel's gone.

Joel's out.



I hear him screaming.

I hear... 


Grian's next to me at the fire we made. He made. I didn't do anything. I was just thinking about... 

Another scream rings in my ears. I glance up at the sky. It's becoming dark. Already. Wasn't it early morning when Joel died?

'Scar, are you sure you're ok? You've been really really out of it all day.'

'He's dead.' It's all I can say. The truth doesn't sink in. Joel hated me since he saw me. He slaughtered my best friend.

And then died screaming for his only friend to help him. 

And we'll never see him again.

Grian shifts closer to me.

'I know how you feel. After...'

'Doc. Yeah.'

'But... I imagine it was worse for you. I only faced Doc twice. From the looks of things, you faced Joel and Etho... over and over again.'

I nod, as the music starts to play. I don't look at the sky. I know Joel's dead. I know Tango's dead. 

'How many of us are there now? I know there's me, you, Pearl, Etho, Impulse...'

'And False and Martyn...' A pause as he remembers 'And... someone else. Ren. And that's it.' I nod. I haven't seen either False, Martyn or Ren the entire game. I haven't seen Impulse either. 

I look over, seeing Grian fiddling with the bandages over his hand again. He pretended to sleep for most of the day.

'You really need sleep.' Grian urges. 'Get some rest. I'll stay on watch. And eat something too. He passes me some bread. After a moment of hesitation, I take it, eating quickly. It's more than I've had in days, washed down with some of our water. I smile at Grian.

'You're a good ally.'

'Sleep.' He repeats. I shuffle away from the fire, lying down, still watching Grian until I close my eyes and drift asleep.

I'm running.

Cub's next to me yelling for me to run faster. I know when this is I know where we are.

A laugh.


Pearl's coming.

Pearl's going to-

A scream.

Like Joel's scream.

But isn't Joel it's Cub that's trapped calling for me to help him. And somewhere in the depths of this dream's history I know I made the trap. And I don't go back for him. And Joel's there too. But he's dead and covered in blood. And Cub can't escape. And I can't move to help him. My legs don't move to help him.

I don't help him.

I didn't help him.



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