Carrying about the Journey

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Just Go With the Flow

Just go with the flow,
Although sometimes it's slow.
Never get stuck into something,
Which has no progress to anything.

Just run and run,
Accept ups and downs come in turn.
Be the player of the present,
Not often a visitor of past and future which is not in hand.

Just be as flexible as the river,
Which find paths through any obstruction, which you think to be severe.
Then, why should I stop in the path,
For any person, thought or event, which not let me move forward.

Just go with the flow,
As pace of time never gets low.
And, the one who race with the pace,
Comes to be known as winner in every case.


A busy life with noisy crowd,
Heavy loads of books on my shoulders,
A tired face, a dull attire,
Is this my life? No it isn't,
Was it my life? Yes years back it was,
I question myself that did I nurture peace.

Always being in a hurry,
Waking up late, hurrying for school bus,
Hoping around with my friends,
It was a part of my life.
But fear wasn't awaiting too far away,
The fear of not doing well in exams,
The fear of not paying attention in class,
The fear of losing a friend,
Has always taken a seat beside me.

Now it seems as if peace is pretending to be a friend of mine,
There is no longer the crowd around me,
Now I don't have my friends screaming their lungs out at me,
Do I have the inner peace?
No, but did I ever have it?
I had it, yes I did,
But a year back failed to realise what I got was peace within.


The turquoise heaven above me,
The waves glistening like innumerable shrines,
All of the Aqua, Cerulean, Teal,
Meet up in the palette of mine.

The rumbling waves bashing the shore,
The inevitable joy that they give,
When my besom caress each of it,
My Canvas's dreariness evolved into a Hued Live.

But the delineate of my portray,
Are as vibrant as desolate my soul is,
The rationality of world coerced ,
And sundered my heart and my bliss.


To the century's one quarter,
Not in disguise a reporter,
I say, to stop peeping to others' lives
and let them survive.
For career, being the perimeter,
For marriage, you are the parameter.

You are not the boundary set for the paramours
And to the breakups be the gentle cure.
Lessen your expectation of maturity
and thereby the responsibility
for number isn't the definition,
when life lends its biggest lesson.

Please!! be the start ,not the end
Be the liberty that I don't need to amend
Be the buoyancy for us to afloat
Not the gravity, for us not to float
Be just the number, but the graft.


Being carefree is what we all desire
How I wish we were !!
If we could keep alive the child within
even when we grow adult.
How I wish we could be immature
even after being mature.
If we could normalise
being a bit abnormal
or call it being different
which we all expect in a way to be unique
but end up following the flock.
We all want to live life a certain way
and we all do till certain age
or a certain a point of time ,free from the cage
but then end up getting back
to the timeline of the normal pack
I wish I could live a life race free
where I would be little more relaxed
and less anxious.


One's aspired to live high
flourish with a smile
eager to get the wealth,

One's aspired to fly high
see world from sky
and happiness of good health,

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