Remember The Roses

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Come Back

Come back the way you was,
Suddenly without you everything seems pause,
Remember the time when we met,
The awkwardness and our first date,
The genuine smiles that were spread across,
I remember the way you used to eat sauce,
It was your heart that melted me in your warmth,
I was so free with you, no protocols, no norms ,
We together builded everything from a single peck,
I miss you and your kisses on my neck,
It was like a dreamland we formed,
Just never realised how everything just vanished in a weird storm,
But still we have to stand again,
Firm and strong, we need to build our den,
Come back the way you were,
Realise how it all just happened and the cause,
See where you went wrong,
How can we stop singing our life songs,
Gather all the strength again,
Don't fall in vain,
I am there, right there where we first met,
Waiting for you to come back and lets start great.


A thing which comes unknown,
Whether it's sorrow or love at most,
Excitement or fright may be these are just words,
But these express the inner feelings of our heart.

Sometimes we deny the fact that feelings take, the most space in our hearts,
Even when it's true we are scared to admit that,
Emotions make you weak and broken inside,
It means a lot to our heartheart.


The rosy ribbon might not forever be secured around my wrist,
His sheeny eyes forever will not dwell on me,
My subdued smile no longer will heal his ruthless agony,
Our giggles forever might disappear in the daze of despair,
No longer might the heart shaped chocolate be for him and me but,
Will he grant a part of his heart to me?

Tangled is that band still in our souls,
Never will it either away from our blossom of trust,
His love is what keeps me entangled to him, His words
When I sway on slumber is like lullaby to ears,
He is an universal diamond creature to me,
Will he grant a part of his heart to me?

Researches I did a lot to find the true meaning of love,
Never did anyone tell me that it was him,
Still now I don't know what it is,
Maybe we find lemans in dreams and desires,
In real he is a healer and my safekeeper,
Will he grant a part of his heart to me?


Lately I haven't been in love,
The prospect scares me, or the lack thereof,
I haven't adored anything,
The closet I have gotten to redeeming myself is looking at wild flowers
And suffocating myself with the desire to crush them with my bare feet
And to baptize myself with their ever drying blood;
Last week I saw a blossoming home,
My heart groaned in all it's stillness,
I felt the familiar slither in my blood, the overwhelming necessity to
Watch flames curl around their doomed fates,
Around noon the dissonance inside me births unprecedented chaos;
My insides burn when I allow my conscious to wreak havoc on myself,
There is a darkness that roams somewhere in my ribs,
I've screamed my throat raw and my clothes are stained from all the
Blood I've coughed up,
My insides flood a dark thick stream these days,
I tell myself that it's okay to let the darkness bleed out at times;
Soon I realize that I'm not convincing anyone.


They said its time to move on Move on from far apar Forgetting the unforgetfull But its easier than done
She with a numb face replied saying okay....
But deep down within the struggles with her feelings within
The feelings within
As she walked through the lane
She thought how easy it was for some to hurt people... How easy to ignore her when she need their company
She questioned herself about being unloved
The feelings Within
As she felt when the one gave her the worst of the wounds
Who mocked her for being cribby
It was non another than the one she trusted........
Talked with her for hours... She realized how she was trusting people too easily
Not realizing the world is brutal
As brutal as sharpness of the knife Which shatters the people...
As she walked through the Lane
She decided to move on Cover her emotions with a mask
A mask of smile
A mask which could hide her emotions...
Emotions of dejection
The feelings that would remain hidden in a mask forever....
The feelings that would remain hidden in a mask forever...

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