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"Private Crater?" A painfully recognizable voice said. He could never pinpoint the accent but Cory thought it sounded Australian. He hesitantly turned his head over to see Professor Otis. Cory stood up straight and faced him. Otis' figure wasn't intimidating, it was rather him as a person that was off-putting. "Sir." Cory addressed him. Explaining this would probably be impossible, so all he could do was try to act casual. Otis' gaze pierced him, those purple eyes could see to the soul. "This is rather strange for you, reading files. You fail to even read your mission briefs." Cory wasn't necessarily intimidated by Otis anymore, having the power to destroy the whole world makes it much harder for anyone to puff their chest at you. No, Cory was not necessarily scared of Otis. He was scared of Otis getting a good enough reason and enough power to assign him as an SCP. "I learn what I need to know about each mission, a lot is redacted in the briefs anyway." Otis' eyebrows furrowed. "How did you even get beyond level 1?" "Probably dumb luck." It wasn't a lie, that's what got him through most of his life. "So why are you up?" Otis wasn't going to give up the question through friendly talk, and there was no escaping the situation. "I-i couldn't sleep. I mean I slept, woke up and then couldn't fall back asleep." Otis raised an eyebrow, "I suggest you sleep, you might have a mission tomorrow." Cory already knew there wasn't supposed to be a mission tomorrow. Otis stared daggers at Cory and swiftly turned out of the room.

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