The Birthday Gift

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"Don't least you know where we are going and what's about to happen," Tam advised as she walked with a pep in her step towards the car. Teddy was moving slowly not because he didn't want to grant his wife this wish he just thought it completely unnecessary.

"But I gave you all of my secrets Tam," Teddy countered as they both got settled in the car and buckled themselves in.

"All of them that you know of," Tamera corrected her husband. "There's bound to be more ... the subconscious is a very fickle thing." Teddy just rolled his eyes he had agreed to this for her as a birthday gift, but he was worried she wouldn't find anything she didn't already know. He didn't keep secrets from Tam, he never has.

Return to the Therapist

Dr. Wilkins greeted the couple and led Teddy to couch. He complied without a single gripe but Tam could tell he was annoyed and for some reason she delighted in it. She figured this revenge was harmless and could only bring them closer. She sat in the chair to his right and tried to hide her excitement.

"Alright Mr. Grey, are you ready?" Dr. Wilkens asked as she flipped through pages of her clipboard. She took a deep breath and hoped today's session wouldn't be as intimate as the last time. It was that session that made her revisit her search for a spouse.

"As I will ever be," he muttered as he relaxed as Tamera had done the time before.

"Great we will begin, take a deep breath, lay your arms by your sides, can count backward from one hundred." Teddy did as he was instructed as he allowed Dr. Wilkins to fog his brain and guide his subconscious. It took a while but he did fall victim to the inner working of his mind.

"Alright Theodore, where are we?" Dr. Wilkins asked and prepared her tape recorder and notepad.

" A white room it looks like a museum or an office," Teddy answered. Tam smiled and was eager to find out what was behind Teddy's doors. She was literally at the edge of her seat.

"Look around Theodore, do you see anything particular in this room?" Ted looked around then he saw them. Pedestals, four of them each of them with pictures of his Tammy.

"Yeah I'm in heaven's museum surrounded by pictures of my angel," Teddy muttered and explained what he could. Even when he was out of it he knew the right things to say as his words melted Tamera's heart.

"Move closer to the first pedestal take a closer look at the picture. Can you explain what's happening?" Teddy picked up the picture frame and it was picture of them when they were younger.

"This isn't a dream, it's a memory. It's the first time Tamera slept over when we were in middle school. It was the first time I heard her really laugh and she feel asleep before me. This picture is memory of the first time I realized my best friend had the most angelic face ...and it was surrounded by curls. The first time I thought about kissing a girl."

"Did you steal a kiss?" Dr. Wilkens asked as Tam listened on shocked by his confession.

"No. A kiss from Tamera wouldn't mean anything unless she wanted to kiss me too," he said in his groggy state. "Back then Tam wasn't thinking about that suff. By the time she was ... Luke ... Luke was who she wanted to kiss. Not me. He wasn't good enough for her and I had to watch him try to taint her perfection."

"Oh Teddy," Tam whispered and clinched at her chest if only she'd known then.

"Why didn't you confess what you were feeling to your best friend?" The therapist prodded.

"I didn't understand what I felt for her. I'd already been with several girls by the time Tam and Luke were a thing. I didn't know if I were jealous because he was taking her time or if ... I wanted other things ... I didn't want to lose her in my attempts to figure it out. Plus, I ... I didn't look like Luke he was literally tall, dark, and a jock. I didn't think she could look at him and then be ...interested in me. I ... I couldn't handle being rejected by her." He scrunched his face clinching his eyes tighter.

"Where are you now," The therapist said to remind him she was there she didn't him to become too frustrated and come out of the trance.

"I don't want to do this," Teddy murmured, and his frown grew deeper. Tamera grew extremely guilty for making her husband go through this and was about to tell the therapist to call it off. She touched Dr. Wilkens on the arm, and she motioned to give her one minute.

"I understand Teddy, let's not revisit the past in this way. If you will please walk down the hall until you get to the next door open it and have a seat in the chair, Ted envisioned a dimly lit room he cautiously sat down. There was literally nothing in the room but the chair and there were no windows ... nothing.

"Instead of traveling down the path of self-guarded memories. I would like to try a different technique. I want you to focus on my questions and provide nothing but the hundred percent truth. Understood?" Teddy heard her as though her voice was coming from an intercom.

"Yes," he answered his groggy hypnotic state. Dr. Wilken flipped to the page with the questions she suggested Tamera prepare.

"Question one, the night of Tamera's twenty first birthday, did you engage in those activities with her out of pity?" Tam felt herself get nervous she didn't Dr. Wilkens was going to ask the questions outright. The therapist had asked her to come up questions she felt uncomfortable asking Teddy but always wondered about. Tam was surprised she was starting with this one.

Teddy scoffed and chuckled a little bit he thought the question was stupid. "No. There was no pity involved," he said darkly as he remembered that night it had been a long time since he thought about it. "I was worried about Tam. She had been going through some issues with her self esteem during that time. She never listened to me when I told how great was. She was always thinking something is wrong with her. I could tell her she is perfect a million times and ... she never believes me. I ... I tried to call her four times each time it went to voicemail I was worried she was in her apartment harming herself. I was stunned shitless when I barged in to her apartment and saw her standing there so close to naked, looking soooo fucking sexy. Never in a million years did I ever think I would get to see my very best and only friend this way. There wasn't enough time to pretend that wasn't what I was feeling. I believe my actual words when I saw her was what the fuck! My God, that lingerie ... I wonder if she still has it? Getting to seeing so much of Tamera's body made me feel like it was my birthday. She looked horrified but I was just stunned into silence." He groaned inwardly at the memory and Tam looked away from him because the comments made her a bit bashful.

"I knew it was wrong take advantage of Tamera's determination to make a good grade. However, in my defense all the blood had drained from my brain to my dick, and I wasn't thinking logically. I do believe it was the best mistake I ever made."

"How so?" The therapist asked.

"It started everything and got us to where we were today. I still think we would've figured it out, but it would've taken even more time." Once it seemed Teddy was finished answering the question. The therapist looked to Tam to see if she was okay with them continuing. It seemed like Teddy wasn't in distress anymore so Tam felt it was okay to move forward.

"Perfect Teddy, ready for question 2?"

"Sure bring it on!"

Hey Everyone

I hoped you enjoyed this little chappie! If you have any question suggestions for Teddy let me know! I'm not sure how many questions I'm gonna do yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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