Confessions of the Other Mothers (Part One)

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Tamera was at the brink of exhaustion. She had been up all weekend with a sick baby. Teddy helped but even when he was taking care of Christina she found it hard to rest. It always broke her heart a little when she cried and she couldn't make it better. Logically she knew that sometimes babies just had to cry but it was something different about it being her baby. Little Tina was normally a calm but expressive baby, she rarely cried like this. In all of her 7 months she hadn't been this sick. Tam and Teddy contacted her doctor who told them what to do to get the fever to break. He advised that if they couldn't get it down to bring her in. Tam made an appointment on the spot because she didn't want to have any trouble getting in if they needed to. She sighed as she watched Teddy coo to Tina before heading to work. She had taken the day off so she could take her daughter to the doctor.

"99.2, Tam I think the fever is breaking," Teddy advised to his half sleep wife.

"Hmmm, that's good but don't you think we should take her in just to make sure everything is okay?" Teddy smirked at Tam.

"The doctor said to bring her in if the fever didn't break, but if you feel it's best I won't argue with you. I would rather be safe than sorry. She's a lot less fussy this morning too." Teddy kissed the top of Tam's head. She had been getting a lot of forehead kissing lately. Teddy didn't even really let himself think about Tam as his wife since Tina's arrival, first and foremost she was the mother of his daughter and she took that responsibility very VERY seriously everything else fell to the background.

"I noticed that too," Tam muttered with a little smile. As she looked at her daughter through the monitor on her phone. "She might even get some sleep."

"That means you might get some sleep too. You need to rest Tammy Girl. I know you are quite robotic in many ways but you do need sleep. You are human," he chuckled and Tam was too tired to laugh it his little joke. "Did you want me to stay you can sleep? Or I can take her to Mom's house so she can look after Tina?" Teddy offered and Tam shook her head.

"No, today's a big day for you remember you can't bail on Boyle. He was the one you worked so hard on. Call me and let me know how things go," Tam said as she got up to walk her husband to the door.

"Okay and you call me if anything changes here," he instructed. Tam lifted her head to kiss Teddy goodbye and he gave her another kiss on the forehead. Tam sighed and smiled even though she hated the dreaded forehead kiss. "Have a good day, we'll miss you," she called after him and he waved back to her. She closed the door and let out an exhausted huff. She hated to admit it but she needed help and she knew just who to call.

Shea made her way to Teddy and Tam's house at the same time as Gail. They both gave each other a knowing look.

"Teddy called you?" Shea asked Gail with a smirk.

"And I assume Tam called you?" Gail smiled back at Shea. They had become quite close over the span of Teddy and Tam's life. The considered themselves the other mothers. They were the ones that raised Teddy and Tam while Ana and Imani worked. Not saying that Ana wasn't there but sometimes worked needed more of her focus that she would've liked and that's when Gail would come to the rescue. Imani did disappear and she disappeared often so Shea was very much Tam's other mother. Gail knocked on Tam's door and of course Tam was expecting Shea but was a little shocked when she saw Gail.

"Teddy called me Dear," Gail explained and both women stepped in the house. Tamera took a deep breath.

"Of course he did, he was worried about me," she murmured. "To honest he should be ... I'm really tired." She plopped down on the couch.

"Christina's sick and I feel a bit like a failure for being so tired. I thought my maternal instincts were supposed to kick in as soon as she had her but I feel clueless and scared most of the time. However, I mean I have been pretty clueless about her from the start anyway why would expect maternal instincts to be any different," Tam huffed and held her head in her hands. Gail looked at Shea and Shea just shook her head.

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