Chapter 42 A Dance of Doom

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Chapter 42

A Dance of Doom

A unified cheer erupted from everyone as they raised their mugs and cheered one another on. Only Taleran could compete with Mister Mattock in a contest of who could shout loudest when the barrel-chested man led them in a toast. "Hear, hear! To the Tournament of Roses and our new queen-to-be! For she is the one!"

Even Simon paraded around the table with a pep in his step and with a pleased smile of his own he congratulated others to his left and right. The sentiment of excitement for the coming celebration seemed unanimous among those gathered. Soldiers hurrahed at their tables as the musicians strummed their songs.

One of them, however, did not applaud and sat curiously silently amid them. Kelcifer. He, on the other hand, puffed his pipe quietly and took account of everyone who was cheering. Through the warm orange glow of his pipe the wizard watched and wasn't as easily fooled as the others. He even cared enough to notice the princess' happy disposition faded to sorrow the instant she realized everyone had turned away from her response.

The wizard slammed his goblet down, arousing everyone's attention, and he took the floor to speak on her behalf, interrupting their bumbling revelry. The table quieted one by one, though the soldiers further off still paid it no mind and continued their fun below the dais.

"In light of that, my good Sir Mattock, there are some months before then and up until then. I think it would be wiser for everyone to focus on the here and now and call the kingdom to order than to boast about festivities that are yet to happen."

He puffed again from the side of his lips and exhaled a plume of gray smoke. "It is exciting to speculate on such things, but a lot can change from now until that time, and Her Highness may need to delay the coming celebration—or for that matter, wait until a later date for when a more opportune moment may present itself. In which things could resume better and usher itself to be truer unto her divine wisdom."

Everyone paused and listened. Zelda's head also lifted from her sulk, stunned to hear the solemn wizard speak his mind. She had half expected anyone else other than him to speak up on her behalf. Perhaps, Impa would have or maybe Purah, but they too were numb to her feelings on this matter. That or they thought better to remain silent for the time being.

In fact, Impa even seemed to have been happy to arrange the whole ordeal with the others. So, why this man of all people? She thought. She waited and didn't want to interrupt, chewing her lip in anticipation to hear his thoughts on the matter. What could he possibly mean?

Mister Mattock grumbled up a hearty chuckle and spoke. "Delay the wedding? Are you mad? Come now, wizard. Even you must appreciate the significance of such a coronation?" He said, continuing to laugh it off, shortly before draining his mug to speak again. "And the law states— "

"—I know what the law says, but these are uncertain times and are special circumstances, Mister Mattock. And besides, there is nothing written that states she must be married immediately after a victor has been declared. It only states that a suitor must be found by the allotted time."

Kelcifer then stood up from his seat and slid his chair back. The chair echoed in slow motion as it creaked across the quiet stillness of the throng, this time alerting the attention of everyone. The musicians hushed their playing, and everybody sat still and listened for what he had to say next.

Magically, the young wizard's voice carried throughout the feast with the authority of a tempest wind. "It says only that a man worthy of noble standing must be betrothed to her and prepared by that time. The wedding or the consummation of said ceremony itself has no timeframe.... The law is clear.... And rest assured you can trust that I know the law, because unlike some people, of whom I won't mention, I can actually read." He finished, slightly crooking his neck to offer Zelda a silent reprieve and assurance with a faint smile.

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