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AS THE BOAT sped down the Columbia River, Mia tried to keep herself busy. She helped Ella make a nest out of old books and magazines they'd liberated from the library's recycling bin.

They hadn't really planned on taking the harpy with them, but Ella acted like the matter was decided.

"Friends," she muttered. "'Ten seasons. 1994 to 2004.' Friends melt Phineas and give Ella jerky. Ella will go with her friends."

Now she was roosting comfortably in the stern, nibbling bits of jerky and reading through the book that Mia had given her. Well, it didn't seem like reading. The pages were flipping faster than she could blink.

Percy knelt in the bow, steering them toward the ocean with his mind-over-water powers. Mia sat on the bench behind him, knees propped up and her head on them as she stared at the endless view of ocean and sky. Hazel sat next to Frank on the center bench, their shoulders touching.

The river widened into the ocean. The Pax turned north. As they sailed, Frank told Hazel silly jokes — Why did the Minotaur cross the road? How many fauns does it take to change a lightbulb? He pointed out buildings along the coastline that reminded him of places in Vancouver.

The sky started to darken, the sea turning the same rusty color as Ella's wings. June 21 was almost over. The Feast of Fortuna would happen in the evening, exactly seventy-two hours from now.

Finally Frank brought out some food from his pack — sodas and muffins he'd scavenged from Phineas's table. He passed them around. Mia nibbled at her muffin, taking little chunks and popping them in her mouth.

"It's okay, Hazel," Frank said quietly. "My mom used to say you shouldn't try to carry a problem alone. But if you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."

"You were right," Hazel said, "when you guessed I came back from the Underworld. I'm . . . I'm an escapee. I shouldn't be alive."

She explained how her mother had summoned Pluto and fallen in love with the god. She explained her mother's wish for all the riches in the earth, and how that had turned into Hazel's curse. She described her life in New Orleans. She described the Voice, and how Gaea had slowly taken over her mother's mind. She explained how they had moved to Alaska, how Hazel had helped to raise the giant Alcyoneus, and how she had died, sinking the island into Resurrection Bay.

Mia had heard this story before, so she'd zoned out, slowly eating her muffin. At one point, she made eye contact with Percy and mouthed at him, don't say anything. Not yet.

Frank took Hazel's hand once she was done with her story. "You sacrificed yourself to stop the giant from waking. I could never be that brave."

"It wasn't bravery. I let my mother die. I cooperated with Gaea too long. I almost let her win."

"Hazel," said Percy. "You stood up to a goddess all by yourself. You did the right . . ." His voice trailed off, and Mia's stomach clenched. "What happened in the Underworld . . . I mean, after you died? You should've gone to Elysium. But if Nico and Amelia brought you back—"

"I didn't go to Elysium." Hazel's voice was ragged. "Please don't ask . . ."

But it was too late. Mia knew the telltale signs of a blackout.

"Hazel?" Frank asked.

"'Slip Sliding Away,'" Ella muttered. "Number five U.S. single. Paul Simon. Frank, go with her. Simon says, Frank, go with her."

Hazel clung to Frank's hand, and they both went unconscious.

"Should we be worried about that?" Percy asked.

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