39 * Reunion

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      Everyone was gathered around a campfire tonight discussing what should be done about Rick.  Tony stepped up beside me putting his arm around my waist.  Abraham was talking now as Tony whispered in my ear, "You talk to Rick?  What's the deal, you gonna be my Annie again or are you gonna be with him?"

"He's pissed so, I guess it's over.  He didn't give me a chance to really talk to him," I said sadly.  I loved Rick.  I love Tony too, but still my heart was breaking at the loss of Rick.  Tony put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me into his chest, rubbing his other hand across my back. "I can tell you miss him, but you got me Annie.  Are you going to stick up for him tonight?"

"Of course, Rick is a good man.  Despite his actions earlier today."

"Well, I don't know him that good. I ain't seen anything good out of him yet." Tony kissed me on the forehead.

    I was standing there after I had given my speech about how great Rick was to these people and how he didn't deserve to be kicked out of here. Inside I was fuming, all of us were here to defend him and he didn't have the decency to show up himself.  My thoughts were consumed with Rick and his audacity and as if on cue here he comes strolling into the middle of the crowd with a walker over his shoulder.  "The gate was open.  I didn't let it in, it got in all by itself.  They always do."  Rick stopped and stared at everyone as he made the circle, "Walkers or humans they will find their way in here, because we're in here."  Rick was now facing me as he stood there capturing me in his gaze, his jaw clenching.  It was finally broken as someone came in yelling, "You don't belong.  You're not one of us!"  It was Pete.  He had Michonne's sword swinging it around.  This might end in tragedy.  Reg stood, walking over to Pete and trying to calm him down.  I caught Rick reaching for his gun and Carol stopping him.  Reg stood in front of Pete.  I barely remember him swinging that sword and slicing though Reg's neck. Deanna was kneeling beside her dieing husband weeping.  When Reg took his final breath she lost it.  She looked up at Rick with her eyes still full of tears and told him, "Do it."  Rick slid his pistol out of its holster and pointed at Pete, who now was lying face down on the ground with two other men holding him down, and he pulled the trigger.  "Rick."  A voice sounded from the opening in the wall that circled this little campfire meeting.  We all looked over to the sound and stared at Daryl, Aaron, and this new man. 

    Rick walked over to the men and his arms finally wrapped around the new guy.  Apparently Rick new this guy.  I was saddened by the fact that two lives have been lost tonight, well not so much saddened at the loss of Pete, he was a jerk.  The bright side of this mess was that Rick was reunited with an old friend.  As I stared at Rick's friend I couldn't help but feel that I knew him too, he looked so oddly familiar to me, though I could not place him.

    These last few days after our tragic meeting Rick has been avoiding me like the plague.  Since that night, since his friend came back, since I confessed my sins about Tony.  He wouldn't even look at me on those rare occassions when he passed me on the street.  I had isolated myself in that house, mostly only going outside only if absolutely necessary.  Tony had been talking to the new guy a lot too, Morgan, I found out was his name.  Rick stepped off his porch and started down the street meeting Jessie and pulling her into an embrace.  I felt a surge of jealousy run through my veins.  I had Tony, I shouldn't be feeling like this.   I shook those feelings off and I walked over to Tony who was laughing and talking to Morgan.  As I neared him I realized that I hadn't talked to anyone in these last few days.  "Annie," Tony called as he noticed me, holding out an arm for me, I smiled as I slid into his embrace.  "So good to see your smile again."  He leaned over and kissed me on the top of the head.  "Annie, this is my Uncle Morgan.  I think you met him briefly way back in the day."  I nodded as it finally hit me.  He was younger then and as I remembered it, he wasn't too thrilled to meet me back then.  I smiled at him, "Yeah, I think I did, briefly.  You didn't hang around long as I remember." 

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