Chaprer 21 Waiting

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What was left of the Grady Memorial people stood around outside just watching our group. I stood next to Rick watching my brother with Carol. All we could do right now is wait for her to wake up. Rick took me by the arm and nodded toward the door. I followed him outside the room and leaned against the wall, bending at the knee and placing the bottom of my foot on the wall as I leaned. Rick stood in front of me and I looked around at everything trying not to look him in the eyes. Out of my peripheral I could see his face. He was looking at me with those sad eyes. He knew I was just as worried about Carol, he knew I was scared. He bent down cocking his head to the side and flashing those sad puppy dog eyes at me as he lifted my face up to meet those shimmering blues of his, "Carol's gonna be fine. She's a survivor."

"You sound like you're tryin' to convince yourself more than me," I told him.

"I know she'll be okay," he smiled and then finally asked, "What did they do to you here?"

"If I didn't talk to my brother about it what makes you think I'm going to want to talk to you about it?" It came out more rude than I had actually intended it to be and I felt bad but I just wanted to forget everything that happened to me here.

"Sorry," he said as he took a step backward, "I'm really glad you're okay." I nodded and forced a smile on my face. I reached up and took his arm in my grasp giving his bicep a squeeze and smiled a little apologetic smile for snapping at him like that.

"Rick," I said staring down at the floor now, "We could stay here with these people. Now that Dawn's out of the picture, the rest of these guys seem pretty cool. Maybe they would take us in."

"I don't know how comfortable I am bring Judith and Carl back to the middle of the city," he told me and I looked back at him. He was staring at Carol lying there helpless.

"I'm sorry Rick, I didn't think about the baby."

"It's okay," he told me not breaking his gaze from Carol, "I wish there was something I could do to help her. I owe her a lot." I put my arms around his neck and hugged him. I didn't know what else to do or say. I stepped back and flashed one more smile before going back into that room to my brother. I put an arm around his shoulder, "She'll be okay, Dee." I looked back at Rick standing in the door way still, "She's a survivor," I told him the same thing Rick had told me. He kept Carol's hand in his and wrapped his other arm around me.


Tyreese walked up behind me with Sasha and put a hand on my shoulder. "You want us to go back to the church and get Carl, Judith, and Michonne?" I shook my head.

"I don't want to bring Carl and Judith into the city," I said, "Maybe you can head back and let them know what's going on and that we'll be back as soon as we can? Keep an eye on 'em for me?" Ty nodded.

"If you guys need a car you can use one of ours," a female cop spoke up, "Follow me and I'll get you a set of keys."

"Hey," Roxie had walked back up and was listening to the conversation, "Let Beth know that I'm okay, we're all okay. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Will you take something back to her for me?" She slid out the door sliding past me her hand brushing mine as she did sending goosebumps up my arm. My heart was beating faster and faster as I watched her walk down the hall to her bag and pull something out. "Careful how you're starin' at my baby sister, there Rick." Daryl said slapping me on the back and laughing a little, "I'm startin' to think you might have a little crush on her."

"Shouldn't you be focused on Carol?" I said giving him a little shove. He put his hands up in the air still laughing and walked back over to the bed. Roxie came back a smiling and handed whatever she had to Ty. She walked back over to the door and she was smiling. I couldn't help the smile on my face seeing her like that despite the bruises on her face and whatever it was that she had been through here. She stopped in front of me. "You don't have to stay here," I told her, "You can go back with Ty and Sasha. Give that to Beth yourself." She shook her head and peeked around my shoulder at Daryl.

"No way," she said smiling even more, "My brother gets lost too easy. I'm not leavin' him." She slid passed me again lightly brushing against my body as she did. A rush surged through me feeling her body that close to mine. She sat down next to Daryl and rested her head on his shoulder and she quickly fell asleep. Daryl took Carol's hand again and brought it up to his lips placing a kiss on it. He turned back to his sister picked her up and laid her down on the fold out sofa that was in the room. He kissed her on the forehead before returning to Carol's side and lying next to her on the bed. I stood on the opposite side of the bed as Carol began to blink her eyes open. Daryl sat up and looked at her smiling. "Thank God you're finally awake," he said, "Don't ever do that to me again." Carol brought her hand up and placed it on Daryl's cheek.

"I'm sorry pookie, it won't happen agian, I promise." She smiled at both of us.

"As soon as you're up to it we can head back to the rest of the group," I said as she sat up.

"I'm ready whenever you are."

**A/N -- Okay crappy update. Hope y'all like it anyway. Running low on steam and inspiration but I'm trying. Hopefully it will pick up soon. Love y'all please feel free to vote and comment and as always thanks for reading.

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