My Last night and a new number...

605 10 6

It's been 7 days since I left the plane. I didn't do anything special aside from returning the phone; I mostly just hung out with ky and took Mage on some walks to get used to the new environment.

I've been doing my best to relax, but today is my last day before starting at a new school—a week late, mind you—and my only comfort is knowing I won't be alone. I sent an email to the school about a month ago informing them about Mage, and yesterday they came to the decision that she's a part of my quirk and therefore can come with me. I'm also in the same class as Ky, so again, I'm not completely alone.

Night came and I did my best to sleep, but my heart was thumping in my chest and my mind kept swerling with "what ifs." 'What if they don't like me? What if I can't keep up? If I can't keep up, will I get transferred? What if the teachers hate me? What if they change their minds about Mage and take her away from me, and then I get transferred, and I'm completely alone...'

Evidently, sleep wasn't an option, so reluctantly, I got up and checked the time. It was 3 in the morning, and school started at 8; great... I was about to put my phone down when I saw a piece of paper in the back of the case. 'curious... '

I took my phone out of the case and opened the folded paper. It was a number with a cat doodle... 'That sneaky little—' I laughed, and Mage stirred from beside me on the bed. Right, I can't wake her, and at least one of us should sleep.

I texted the number                 


                                     Hey, u up




what are u doing up so late?


                                                    back at you


Fair, I can't sleep




So.. haven't seen u at school yet u

avoiding me? how rude


Haven't started yet


Oh well when ru starting?


Tomorrow or ig today since its 3
Btw what's ur name?


Hitoshi Shinso u?


Y/n l/n

Hitoshi shinso:

Well, then l/n see u Tmmr


Call me y/n; I'm not from here, so being called
l/n makes u sound like a teacher lol

Hitoshi shinso:

Alr then call me Hitoshi                                              



It's almost 4 I should prolly sleep     
  so I don't pass out tmmr gn Hitoshi





Y/n :)

For whatever reason after that, I fell asleep; it's probably not because of him, right? No, it's 4; I must just be tired, and with that, I drifted off, and my last night before school, was over...

An: writing texting is such a pain; poor chat-fic writers.

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