Tower (.4)

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"Lady Obriv! How are you?" A Karkarodon grinned as Cordelia and Oriana were dragged into a large diamond-shaped office.

"Don't you dare, Horne," Cordelia sneered at him. Her usual calm and kind demeanour was nowhere to be seen. It was obvious she felt nothing but contempt for this man.

"So hostile," Horne rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Why are you always like this?"

"You know exactly why, you rulkuw (fuck)." Cordelia stared up at him.

"In fact, I don't. All I've ever done is run my business as per the laws of our dear sector." Horne stated. The slimy smile never left his face.

"All you've ever done is-" Cordelia started to yell. Only to be cut off by a hand in her face.

"Let's not talk shop right now," Horne said, then turned to the bounty hunters who still had a tight grip on Oriana's arms. "Hand me the chip."

The bounty hunters stared at each other in confusion, then back to Horne.

"The betting chip she has on her, you idiots." Horne stressed.

They still didn't seem to know what he was turning about but started searching Oriana's pockets.

"Don't you dare hurt her," Cordelia harshly told them. Moving towards Oriana. Only to be held back by another bounty hunter.

They ignored Cordelia and continued looking. Having no luck.

"What's taking you idiots so long," Horne grumbled. He was visibly losing his patience.

"She doesn't have anything on her," One of them cried.

"The stinking bounty didn't say anything about a chip!"

The Karkarodon towered over them and, by extension, Oriana. Growling at them loudly. Cordelia continued trying to wiggle out of the grip of her captor, but to no avail. She was forced to watch as Oriana tried to keep a brave face. Despite how much the youngling was shaking.

Horne then took a deep breath. Pinching the bridge of where his nose would be if he were human. "I think it's time you three were on your way.

"What about our pay?" The bounty hunter holding Cordelia argued.

"You didn't get the chip. There for no pay." Horne explained as if he was talking to a child.

"No way, man!" The bounty hunter shouted. "One of our crew was killed getting this brat to you. We ain't leaving empty-handed!"

Horne let out a huff. "I'm not in the mood to discuss this."

"Come on, wait, what about this?" The head bounty asked as they pulled out Melinoe's lightsaber. "This has to be worth something, right?"

Horne stared at it for a moment. Quietly running the numbers in his head. "You'll get 18000 for it. And before you try to haggle with me, it wasn't an offer. That's my final price."

Right before Cordelia's eyes, Horne called security on them and had them dragged out of the room with little fanfare. All before they could even get a word in.

"Put this somewhere nice," Horne told one of the guards. "Somewhere in the trophy room, maybe."

A being that must have his secretary did as she was told. Quietly rushing out of the room. Without another word.

"Now then," Horne mused as he turned and grabbed Oriana off the scuff of her clothes. "Where's the chip, kid?"

In a split second, Cordelia's rage turned to concern as Horne carried Oriana over to the window.

Force of Nature: Book 2 - Apprentices of the Abyss | A Star Wars StoryWhere stories live. Discover now