High Priestess (.6)

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Karaay didn't visit Glee Anselm very often. Other than a couple of old friends, there wasn't anything that really interested him. The oceans were nice, but it wasn't like he couldn't find nice waters on Marazi.

That's what Karaay told himself, but Naree had insisted. Saying that she wanted him to meet his potential goddaughter and that he needed a break.

"Mak is gonna be furious that he got snubbed for being godfather again," Jaks joked to her.

"I feel he'll forgive me," Naree rolled her eyes. "Considering I didn't choose a girl who was 15 at the time to be Jaks' godfather."

"I stand by my decision," Jaks said with his chin raised. Though it was obvious, he was jesting.

As for the break part, Karaay wasn't convinced. He felt people were exaggerating when they called him a workaholic. There had just been a lot to do ever since the Obani business. Setting up a new Sept. Finding housing for all the new residents. Raising the most hyperactive boy in the galaxy. It wasn't like he could just leave all that till the next day.

Despite all his counterpoints, Naree eventually got her way when she took it to Melinoe. The Sith had smirked at the action and agreed wholeheartedly.

And that's how Karaay ended up spending a few days on Glee Anselm. Enjoying a 'break'.

That wasn't what was important at that moment. It was about Naree and Uka and a possible future child.

"Naree, Jaks!" A Nautolan woman waved to them as they walked off the transport ship.

"Zelta, how are you?" Naree asked as they walked over to their old friend. They politely bowed to each other before giving each other a light hug.

The dark purple Nautolan gleefully caught them up on what had been going on. The minor sept known as Emiowara had been having a good couple of months. The local hospital had been having an extremely successful year. Along with the orphanage doing an excellent job of reuniting children with their families.

The three walked and talked through the small seaside town. It was a lovely place. Marked with wooden homes built along the rivers that flowed through the place. The thick jungle trees swayed in the wind. Creating a peaceful atmosphere.

"It's been so wonderful," Zelta smiled with her hands clapped together. "All though I'd be lying if I said it wasn't exhausting to get to this point."

"You've done some great work here," Karaay assured her.

Zelta blushed at the man's words and turned to Naree with a grin. "Enough about me. Let me tell you about Astrid."

Naree lit up. "How is she?"

"She's doing well, but... there's something my co-workers haven't gone into detail about." Zelta rubbed her hands nervously.

The smile dropped off Naree's face. Replaced with a concerned frown. "Is she okay?"

"No, it's not that," Zelta stumbled. "Well, you know how Astrid's had a lot of possible host families?"

Naree and Karaay nodded with confused looks. Naree was well aware. She had talked with Astrid over holo many times. Even met her in person as well. She wasn't a 'problem child' or anything like that, so they couldn't really tell what their friend was implying.

"I just wanted to give you a fair warning because there's been a lot of times where Astrid has agreed to meet potential parents, only for her to tell them they're not the ones she's been waiting for."

"Waiting for?" Karaay asked with a raised eyebrow.

Zelta sighed. "Astrid's a sweet child but also surprisingly independent for her age."

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