Magician (.7)

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"So let me get straight," Melinoe said as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "While you were meant to be relaxing, a bounty hunter tried to shoot you in the head; you discovered an assassination plot against us, and not only that, you managed to bring back a stowaway."

"Hello!" Astrid shouted. Realising the lady was talking about her.

"Yes, hello to you too," Melinoe nodded to the child.

"You make it sound like I did it on purpose," Karaay lightly joked.

Melinoe let out an annoyed sound. "So it was just the one bounty hunter."

"Yes, but there's likely more who have taken the job as well." Uka stepped forward and explained.

Melinoe, Karaay and the Juhani family had gathered in one of the many hallways to discuss the situation. Beings are rushing by. Eagerly on their way to get jobs done.

"Is there any way you could find out more about this?" Melinoe asked Uka.

"I could, but on one condition." Uka gestured with a raised finger.

Naree and Karaay both started shaking their heads at her in worry. Thinking she was trying to pull something cheeky.

"Make sure my family is protected," Uka stated.

"...oh," Melinoe said. Apparently, none of them were expecting that. "Yes, of course, I will."

"Excellent; I'll get to work tomorrow then," Uka said. "But first, I wanna go visit my favourite cousin."

Astrid's face lit up. "Can I stay and meet her too!?"

"Right, there's the matter of that," Melinoe said as she rubbed her temple. "Would you like to sort that out, Naree?"

"Yes, of course," Naree nodded her head.

"But I can help against the bad guys," Astrid told her soon-to-be mother.

Melinoe started walking away. Wanting to deal with her own jobs that had been piling up lately.

"Sweetie, please. We've been over this."

"But I can use my magic powers," Astrid held out.

Before anyone had the chance to shush the girl, Melinoe let out a noise that sounded as if she had just been pushed in the gut. The Sith slowly turned her head back towards the others.

They all stood there in silence. Not really sure what to say to the woman. Who looked to be trying to contain her anger. They watched as Melinoe took a deep breath and turned back around. She made her way down the hall without another word.

Collectively, they all sighed in relief. Karaay, Uka, Naree and Astrid all went down the opposite way down the hall.

Ruta's new office was a slick yet homely place. When the gifted young woman had been made head of the textile and clothes department by Melinoe, she wasted no time. She quickly set up her new office and hired several Marazi to help her out.

Much like the area of the buildings of Cold Sept (or the Nkua Etana Sept as it was starting to get called), it was wall-to-wall cool light grey. With large windows letting in natural light. The rectangle room had been decorated with advanced sewing machines and other tech that assisted in making the Sept's clothes.

As the group walked in, Ruta seemed to be testing some fabrics by placing clothing on a droid. "No, this isn't it..."

"Morning," Uka greeted. Causing the younger woman to turn around in surprise.

"Well, well," Uka laughed. Placing down the material and turning back to the droid for a moment. "You can take a break if you like, GeeCee."

The mannequin-like droid broke the 'natural' pose they had been pulling. Taking some of the equipment to put away before they left.

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